Chapter 27: Slow day

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Update day! Woo! T-T


I stared out the window as Paris and I waited in car to car traffic.

Paris let out a exasperated sigh before turning to face me, He leaned over and wrapped his arms around my neck.

''What. . . are you doing?'' I questioned, Turning my head to face him.

He grinned happily at me, His face inches from my own.

''Can't I just cuddle you?'' He inquired teasingly, His breath tickling my neck.

I shivered but leaned closer to his touch.

He beamed happily before lightly kissing my neck.

I pushed his face away lightly, A blush spreading across my cheeks.

''That's- N-not when your driving!'' I squeaked up, My face bright red.

He gave me a lop sided smile and leaned over to lock lips with me, I melted into his kiss as he gently pressed his lips to mine.

The sound of a horn beeping behind us made both of us jump, Blushing I turned my attention back to the brush on the side of the road.

I heard Paris give a disappointed sigh before reaching out and resting his hand in my curls.

We continued to drive in silence, My face after a while cooled down to the point it no longer looked like I had heat stroke.

--- Time skip ---

I sighed tiredly as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

I just got here and now I want to be done with my shift. . .

Before I could get out of the car I felt arms wrap around my waist, Blushing I turned back to look at Paris.

''What is it?'' I asked quietly, My eyes only managing to look as high as his lips.

He grinned at me before kissing me on my forehead.

''Y-Yeah?'' I squeaked out, Staring back into his eyes.

He leaned forwards, Backing me against the car door.

He pressed his lips against mine, I gasped quietly as I felt him gently nip my bottom lip.

As soon as my mouth opened he stuck his tongue in, Carefully exploring my mouth, Mapping out every little crevice.

I pushed lightly on his chest, I was running out of breath.


He pulled back and we both turned to stare at the window, Ferris was perched on the door handle, Glaring at Paris.

Paris groaned in annoyance, Causing me to giggle.

''Have a good day Paris!'' I called back to him as I hopped out of the car.

''Stay safe Roux'' He called back, His voice serious sounding.

Ferris shrieked at him, Perching on my shoulder.

I nodded and waved bye to him, He blew me a farewell kiss before pulling out of the parking lot.

I watched him drive off before heading in, I put on my apron and walked into the back.

I was greeted by the happy calls of the animals we keep here, Sighing quietly I got to work feeding and watering the animals.


''Yeah Ferri?'' I asked, Using his old nickname.

'You like them?'

''. . . Yeah, I really do like them'' I muttered, Feeling the weight of the words this time around.

He whistled quietly, Bobbing his head up and down.

I smiled at him and flipped the shop's sign to 'Open'.

Here we go. . .

--- Time skip ---

I groaned, Leaning on the counter.

Today is draining me soo much, Some guy with a snake tried flirting with me when I told him his snake was stunning.

Ferris had gotten pissed and refused to stop swooping and dive bombing the guy until he retreated.

Thankfully the rest of the day's worries was just people pretending to know what they were talking about when it came to animals, Hint: They did not.


I glanced up from the counter to see my friends and their animals walking in, Much to my surprise.

''Hey guys, I thought you had school this morning'' I said in surprise.

''Good to see you too, Oh how was our day? Thanks for asking'' Liz said sarcastically, A grin tugging at her lips.

I rolled my eyes and leaned forwards on the counter as they sat down.

''So, Turns out one of our teachers requested that school could be canceled today, Whoever that hero is managed to convince Kadin to go along with it and everything!'' Reese muttered, Sounding impressed.

''Really? That's awesome!'' I said, Cheering up slightly.

Jason just shook his head, ''Well, I just wanted to stop by and say hi, I promised Brook id take her to the park'' He said, Getting up and calling Vanilla to his side.

I waved bye to Jason before turning back to my demonic friends, I noticed Liz had changed her hair color yet again, Today it is neon pink.

''Isn't changing your hair color that often dangerous for your hair?'' I asked, Putting a bit of money in the cash register and grabbing two cups.

Liz blinked, Thinking for a second before shrugging, ''Dunno!'' She chirped out.

I rolled my eyes again and filled up the cups with cocoa for them, They accepted the cups and we all idly chatted about who we though was the new 'hero' of the school.

Soon enough both of their phones dinged, They checked their messages before nodding to each other.

''We gotta go, See you later okay?'' Reese said, As Liz rounded up the animals.

They waved bye to me as they left.


I thought at the same time Ferris muttered the same thing.

We glanced at each other before I gave him a small smile, He hopped over to sit next on the counter next to my hand.

I gently stroked his head feathers as he quietly cood happily.


We glanced up to see. . . Paris!

''Hey kiddo, Figured I owed you one from when I didn't spend lunch with you last time'' He explained, Moving to rest a arm on my shoulders.

Ferris snapped at him but thankfully didn't try and maul him.

''C'mon, How about we eat together in the car'' He offered, Looping a arm around my waist.

Ferris gave him a warning shriek, Paris quickly moved his arm back up to my shoulders.

I smiled and shook my head, Following him out to his car, Ferris flying right behind me.

This is nice. . .


SO uh, Next chapter should be interesting. . . It's not something 'death to the author' worthy though. . . (I Hope) Anyways, Like always have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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