Chapter 53: Words

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Together time. . . Can't go wrong. . . Rarely goes right. . .


Paris squeezed my hands slightly before letting them go.

''Look sweetie. . . I'm not angry with you. . .'' He said slowly, Pausing and staring at me until I made eye contact with him again.

He gave me a small smile before continuing, ''I'm just. . . Saddened by the fact that that you didn't feel you could come to us about this'' He explained, His hand reaching up to cup my face as I did my best to keep eye contact.

''I-I'm sorr-'' I started to say, Feeling terrible already but starting to feel even worse at the thought that I made someone who had been so accepting of me sad.

Before I could finish the apology, The hand cupping my face moving to the back of my head, Pulling my face closer to his before leaning forwards and locking lips with me, Silencing me.

I could feel warmth heating up my face as my breath left me, Warmth starting to fill my limbs pleasantly.

I felt my face heat up further as he kept his lips locked with mine for a moment longer before pulling back.

He thankfully waited a moment to allow me to catch the little bit of breath I had lost during the kiss.

''Don't apologize, Look, In the end, If you didn't feel safe bringing it to us than that's on us, Not you'' He soothed, His hands moving back to cup my face again, Keeping me facing him.

He gave me a small lop sided smile when our eyes finally met again, ''I shouldn't have snapped at you, Shouldn't have made you sad'' He said calmly, His voice back to the quiet gentleness he had used before when I retreated into my brain.

I stared up at him silently before he leaned forwards again, Lightly placing a kiss on my forehead.

He frowned slightly, Pulling back and staring down at me.

''What's the matter?'' I asked quietly, Worried about the concerned look on his face.

''You feel warmer than you normally do. . .'' He commented, His hand moving to gently rest on my forehead.

''Well. . . Kadin and I were making out. . . Maybe that's why?'' I answered quietly, The queasy feeling having settled down by now, Replaced with exhaustion.

Paris full on smiled at that, The normal cheerful teasing look returning to his eyes.

''Aww, And you didn't tell me?'' He teased, Pretending to pout.

A small smile appeared on my face at that, ''You were there though. . .'' I pointed out.

He stared at me for a moment before dragging his hand over his eyes, ''For crying out loud, I seriously missed that?'' He asked, Sounding so disappointed.

I couldn't help but giggle quietly, A small grin on my face at his dramatic reaction.

I was starting to feel a lot better. . . Emotionally speaking, My body felt tired and heavy for some reason though.

His smile settled down to just a gentle upcurve of his lips.

 ''Come here sweetheart'' He said after a while of peaceful silence, Holding his arms out invitingly.

I paused a moment before moving into his arms, Sitting slightly on his lap as he held me close.

''Roux?'' He asked quietly after a long while of silence, His voice quiet and gentle.

''Hmm?'' I hummed quietly, Half asleep by now as I laid fully on him, My head resting on his chest.

I could hear his heart beating calmly from where I was laying.

This is nice. . . And here I thought this would end badly. . .

''Tomorrow's going to be harder than normal'' He warned quietly.

My heart stopped briefly, A cold panic rushing down my spine as I rather quickly woke up.

''Why?'' I asked quietly, My heart clenching nervously as I worried about why he said that.

He stared down at me for a moment before reaching a hand up to brush some curls out of my eyes.

''Well, Clearly we all need to work on trust, So, You and I will be doing that tomorrow'' He explained, Moving to lightly kiss my neck.

I shivered slightly at the kiss to such a soft and sensitive area.

''Oh, I see. . .'' I muttered, My heart still pounding away nervously.

 He sighed before moving his hand to lightly grab my chin, Turning my head so I was looking him in the eyes.

''Don't worry, If there's anything you're uncomfortable with we won't do that, Okay?'' He soothed, Calming my nerves ever so slightly.

I nodded, My heartbeat calming down enough again for me to feel the weight return to my eyes.

Paris moved to rest his head on top of mine, His warm breath ruffling my hair slightly.

I felt my body relax as his hands lightly wandered over my torso, Moving up under my shirt ever so slightly.

His exploration of my body paused however as his hands paused on my bare skin.

''What's wrong?'' I asked quietly, Being drawn out of my hazy sleepy comfort by concern.

He was silent for a moment longer before he started to get up, Startling me as his arms moved to hold me princess style.

''Ah, It's just. . . You feel really warm'' He explained slowly, Concern hiding in his practiced calm voice.

''I'm sorry'' I said instinctively, Glancing away from him.

I heard him sigh as he was unable to really do much with his hands occupied.

With that in mind, He squeezed me closer to his chest in a makeshift hug.

''You shouldn't be sorry over something out of your control'' He reminded me just as we reached the bedroom door.

I squirmed around a bit in his grip, Thankfully he took the hint and set me down.

I leaned towards him slightly as he rested his hand on my shoulder.

''Oh wow. You didn't make him cry. I'm impressed.'' Ambrose said from behind us, Making me jump slightly, Creeped out by the deadpan tone.

I could feel Paris's hand on my should tense up as we both turned to face said man.

Annnd the okay time is over. . . .


Alllright, Roux didn't cry! Yay. . . Anyways, Any ideas how Paris is gonna deal with Ambrose?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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