Chapter 92: Bonding

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Roux POV. . .


I stuck close to Kadin after Ambrose had been called into the other room with Bailey and Paris.

My face was still burning from where our very brief conversation had gone.

''I wonder what they're talking about'' Kadin muttered, Catching my attention at the tired sound in his voice.

''S-Some. . .Some sort of message Paris had left for him'' I explained, Having to repeat the first word as it came out as a tiny little squeak.

Kadin frowned slightly at that, A worried look in his eyes.

''You sure you're okay? You're not getting strep throat are you?'' He questioned, His hands worriedly moving to my neck as he spoke.

I smiled tiredly, Wanting to just rest my head in his hands and fall asleep.

He's had a long day too. . .He's most likely tired as well. . .

''No no, I'm fine, Just tired'' I assured him, Ignoring how my back ached slightly as I stood up, No longer leaning on Kadin.

The pace Bailey had set during our 'together time' wasn't painful or anything, But it did leave me sore.

''Was Bailey. . .'' Kadin started to ask before a loudly yelped 'What!?' drew both of our attentions to the room the other three had disappeared to.

He and I exchanged a look before we both hurried into the living room, Ambrose's yelped voice making both of us concerned.

Stepping into the room, I nearly ran right into Ambrose as he hurried to leave.

''E-Excuse me Roux'' He muttered as he tried to move past me.

Before he could, Bailey had grabbed his arm, Tugging him back away from Kadin and I.

''Bailey what's going on?'' Kadin asked, A frown on his face as Ambrose tried to tug his arm free from Bailey's grip.

''Let go of me you overgrown mule.'' Ambrose grumbled out only for Bailey to grab his other arm and tug the thrashing man up against his chest, Holding him close in a hug that looked a bit like a choke hold.

''Bailey! Stop! You might be hurting him!'' Kadin chided, Moving forwards to grab at Bailey's arm as Paris also stepped closer.

''I know I'm not hurting him, He'll be alright'' Bailey said even as Ambrose continued to struggle around in his grip.

''Let go of me.'' Ambrose hissed out, His attempts to struggle free becoming weaker and weaker.

''Paris? What's going on?'' I asked quietly as I took a step away from the other three, Moving to stand close to the blonde instead.

He rubbed slightly at his neck, Seeming embarrassed.

''I may have messed up and sent something to Bailey that I shouldn't have. . .'' Paris admitted sheepishly, Seeming genuinely sorry about what happened.

Do I want to know what he sent?. . .I'm just gonna keep wondering until I do know. . .

But if he shouldn't have sent it to Bailey why would he want me to know about it. . .

Before I could continue wondering over what I should do, Kadin asked the question for me.

''What did he send you?'' Kadin questioned, Staring at Bailey as he spoke.

Bailey arched an eyebrow before looking down at Ambrose.

''Do you want to tell him or should I?'' Bailey asked as Ambrose eventually gave up trying to squirm free.

Said man just glared up at Bailey, His face ever so slightly flushed.

Whether it was from the amount of effort he put in to getting free or from whatever was accidently sent to Bailey I did not know.

''. . .Paris sent me an audio recording of him having sex with Ambrose here'' Bailey stated bluntly, Making everyone pause.

Oh. . .I. . .Don't know what I was expecting but. . .It wasn't that. . .It really wasn't that. . .

Ambrose was staring at the ground as everyone else just stared at him.

''He sent that to you without my knowledge. . .'' Ambrose muttered, Scowling as he tried to pry Bailey's arms off of him.

''. . .Paris what the hell happened to waiting and letting him figure this out at his own pace?'' Kadin asked after a moment, Not really sounding angry but more so very tiredly annoyed.

''I decided that he needed a little push in the right direction'' Paris stated calmly, Shrugging slightly as he spoke.

''Did you at least get his consent?'' Kadin questioned before Ambrose spoke up.

''I'm here too you know. I'm more than able to answer questions that concern me.'' Ambrose grumbled out, His outrage overriding his embarrassment.

 I moved away from Paris, Drifting closer to Bailey and in turn, Ambrose.

''Could you please let him go. . .I don't think he's going to do anything. . .'' I murmured quietly to Bailey as Kadin and Paris quietly argued.

I could see Ambrose nodding quickly as Bailey arched an eyebrow.

''He's right, I won't go anywhere if you let me go'' Ambrose tried to reason, Lightly pushing at Bailey's arms as he spoke.

Sighing, Bailey surprisingly enough actually relented and released the shorter man.

I blinked in surprise at that fact as Ambrose tried to brush the wrinkles out of his clothes as soon as he was set down.

''Damn it. Why'd you grab me anyways. I was just going to step outside.'' Ambrose grumbled, Scowling briefly up at Bailey before said man grabbed him firmly by the chin, Shutting him up instantly.

''Didn't want you running away from this'' Bailey stated simply, Tilting Ambrose's face up until they were staring each other in the eyes.

Ambrose was silent for a long while, His face slowly turning red.

''. . .Y-You do know I'm shit at running right? A toddler could have easily caught me. There was no need to grab me.'' He muttered, Refusing to let the topic drop.

Before this could drag on much longer, There was a thud sound that caught everyone's attention.

Bailey let Ambrose go as we turned to see Paris had accidently knocked Kadin down onto the couch while he was trying to make out with him.

''For fucks sake Paris. Can you go without sex for thirty minuets?'' Ambrose demanded, Distracted now as he moved over to help Kadin up.

I slowly moved closer to Bailey, Glancing up at him once I was at his side.

''. . .Thank you. . .For listening and letting him go and all. . .'' I murmured, Trailing off as I spoke.

Bailey sighed before his hand gently rested on my head, His fingers carding through my hair.

''. . .I'm. . .Working on listening to you more. . .You're pretty smart for someone of your age and all'' He muttered quietly, Smiling down at me before our attention was dragged back to the other three.



Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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