Chapter 21: Nightmare

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Extra chapter! woo! Yay T-T


A loud rumbling crash jolted me awake, I sat up my eyes flicking around the dark bedroom as my heart thudded in my chest.

Bailey and Kadin were cuddled together behind Paris, They were both still asleep.

''It's alright Roux'' A sleepy sounding voice whispered.

I glanced down to see Paris staring up at me through half lidded eyes, He gave me a tired smile before wrapping his arms around my waist.

He tugged me back down to the bed before resting his head on top of my own, My face was gently pressed into his neck.

The loud booming crash sounded again, Now I could place the sound.

A thunder storm, Based on how loud the crashes were the storm must be right above us. . .

I pressed myself closer to Paris, Normally I love storms but this one is so loud. . .

I heard him sigh before he sat up, I peered up at him in confusion.

Did I do something wrong? I thought he liked cuddles. . .

He gently nudged me up, He led me out of the bedroom and down into the kitchen.

I sat down on a stool as he went around preparing some hot coco, The storm continued to rage outside.

It wasn't much better in here. . .

As I watched Paris moving around the kitchen I couldn't help but remember how he was crying in this very room less then ten hours ago.

He came around the counter with two mugs of coco in his hands, He smiled and handed me one of them before guiding me into the family room.

We sat down together on the sofa, He gently tugged me so I was curled into his side.

We just sat there, Sipping on our coco and listening to the storm raging outside.

I kinda felt bad for Ferris, He hates storms.

Maybe he is finding comfort in Gecko, Liz did say he was eager to see his, And I quote 'Boyfriend'.

A rather loud crash brought me out of my thoughts, I glanced up at Paris to see him staring off into space.

''Paris?'' I asked quietly, Not really wanting to break the silence.

''Hmm? Yeah?'' He muttered, Turning to face me.

''Why. . . Why were you crying last night?'' I asked quietly, Looking away from him.

He was silent for a bit before he gently took the cup from my hands and set both mine and his one on the floor, I stared at him in confusion.

He looked back at me before pressing his lips against my own, I let out a squeak of surprise as he gently pushed me down to the sofa.

I blushed darkly as he laid on top of me, His head propped up enough to stare down at me.

''Paris?'' I squeaked out, Trying to squirm out from under him.

He sighed before kissing me on my lips again, '' Just humor me okay?'' He offered, His voice tired sounding.

I nodded, He gave me a sad smile before closing his eyes.

This is kinda scary. . .

I felt kinda weirded out by him acting like this, He always seemed to know how to handle his emotions as well as everyone else's.

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