epilogue: 5

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NSFW chapter! (5/10)


I shuddered, a whine leaving me again as Bailey removed his hands from my person, no longer gently massaging at my thighs anymore, his hands returning to his sides as I tried to lean back ever further into his chest.

My 'interest' was straining and leaking pre-cum, bordering on painful despite the lack of attention it was receiving.

Bailey, my sweet husband hadn't once touched my dick, gently trailing teasing touches in sensitive areas all over my body, playing with my nipples, sucking kisses and hickies into my neck, but he stayed away from the area I wanted him to touch.

Squirming about as much as I could within my bounds, I ground up against my husband's groin as I tried to get some sort of friction on my aching cock.

As soon as I tried to, Bailey's hands grabbed onto my hips, holding me still as he leaned closer to my neck, blowing warm breath onto my skin as he did so.

''Behave Ambrose.'' My man growled out near my ear, making me shudder.

''Come on Bailey! Please, just touch me!'' I begged, my brain halfway gone already from all my man's teasing.

''I am touching you'' Bailey shot back, his grip tightening on my hips, moving me back away from his groin as he did so.

Narrowing my eyes, I looked back at his blurry form, the other man having taken and put up my glasses a while ago, taking my vision with them.

''Why are you going this to me'' I questioned, my voice shaking as the other man just calmly got out of bed, moving over to rummage around a bit in our dresser.

''I-I've been worse in the past! I came home this time instead of spending all week at work like I did last time! W-Why are you punishing me for d-doing better?'' I demanded of the man who's back was still turned to me.

He hummed quietly before pulling something out and making his way back to me, hiding whatever he had fetched behind his back.

''Remember the promise you made last time we did this?'' Bailey questioned quietly, placing whatever he had grabbed behind me to keep it out of my sight as he sat down next to me.

Why the hell is he asking me to remember things right now.

Letting out a soft sigh, my husband gave me a disappointed look before finally answering his own question.

At least I think that's a disappointed look. . .Kinda hard to see. . .

''You promised last time that you'd ask for help should you get overwhelmed. Yes. This counts as being overwhelmed. You clearly haven't been sleeping well. Let alone eating properly.'' Bailey scolded, reaching out to grab onto my chin as he spoke, forcing me to look at him as he did so.

Swallowing nervously, I tried my best to hold still as he reached back for whatever he had grabbed previously.

''What. . .What are you planning on doing to me?'' I asked nervously, my nearly painful arousal almost forgotten in my nervous state.

Bailey, Paris and even Kadin had tag teamed me last time, leaving me tied up and loose for almost an entire week the last time.

I have work I need to do-

A very familiar buzzing sound reached my ears before he pulled out the bright pink bullet vibrator I knew without a doubt he was holding. . . Even if I couldn't see it clearly.

''H-Hey now, l-lets just talk about this'' I started to plead with even more desperation.

I had seen and heard how Roux screamed last time Bailey used those on him. . .I wasn't exactly looking forwards to it.

''Oh we'll talk. . .Later though'' He dismissed, undoing the small cords on the vibrator, turning it off before strapping it to my aching length.

Before I could protest, my oh so cruel husband turned the bullet vibrator on, drawing a small, strangled scream from me at the shock of sudden stimulation.

The low burning arousal inside me was kicked up multiple notches as I tried to squirm away from the little machine strapped to me, my breath catching in my throat.

My mouth opened on a silent scream as Bailey grabbed something else from behind me.

Next thing I knew, a gag was gently pushed into my mouth, making my eyes snap open, turning my blurry focus to Bailey as he tied it in place behind my head.

''Don't want you biting your tongue while I'm gone'' My spouse murmured gently, his hands resting on either side of my face.

''Mnnn?'' I tried to question, tears streaming down my face as I tried to speak.

Bailey calmly and gently kissed my forehead before climbing out of bed.

''I'll be back once I'm done helping make dinner, you just sit here and think on what you did wrong'' Bailey was saying.

I didn't hear any of that over the rushing in my ears as the burning pleasure finally peaked, causing me to cum, my whole body shuddering and twitching.

Bailey watched calmly as I rode out the orgasm, overstimulation following at it's heels.

A small sob left me as my poor overstimulated member slowly twitched back to attention under the continued stimulation.

Bailey smiled slightly at that before leaving the room.

--- Roux Pov ---

Paris was sitting on one of the stools around the counter, trying to heads or tails of all the paperwork Ambrose brought home with him as Kadin and I bustled around the kitchen, happily working together to make supper for everyone.

''Here, what do you think of this?'' The other man asked quietly, offering me a spoon full of the soup we were making, having blown on it until it was cool enough to eat.

Curiously, I paused chopping up the veggies to take a sip of the offered food.

Something's missing. . .

''Something's off but. . .I'm not sure what'' I repeated as Kadin took a sip as well, a small frown forming on his face.

''Yeah. . .I think it's lacking some sort of item to make it thicker. . .Not a word. Paris.'' Kadin agreed, shooting our husband a look when the other man's head shot up in excitement.

''Did you add flour to it?'' Bailey asked as he finally came back downstairs, joining us in the kitchen.

Kadin and I exchanged a look before I sheepishly went to fetch the flour from the pantry as Kadin took over chopping the veggies for me.

Returning from the pantry, I was greeted with the sight of Paris and Bailey making out.

Rolling my eyes, I moved over to the pot as Kadin added the remaining ingredients to the pot, snuggling close to his side as my sweet husband leaned over to gently press a kiss to the top of my head.


So, they don't yell at each other when there's issues in their relationship. . .They angry fuck :D

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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