Chapter 72: Locked away

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And. . .Of course. . .They're gonna get locked away. . .


Ambrose frowned slightly, His eyes briefly narrowing before he sighed, Getting up.

''Mr. Cresent, Might I have a word with you?'' Ambrose asked quietly, His shoulders tense as he stared up at Bailey.

I looked between the two men, Curling slightly closer to Kadin as Ferris started to quietly make birdy hissing sounds. 

I noticed Bailey's lips twitch downwards slightly in a frown before he nodded curtly.

I watched on as Bailey led Ambrose to the kitchen, Both men soon disappearing from sight.

I gently tugged Ferris down from my shoulder, Holding the bird in my arms as Paris got up, Putting the photos away as he did so.

''You alright?'' Kadin asked quietly, Drawing my attention up to him.

I gave him a small smile, Leaning into him a bit more as I did so.

Am I okay?

Sure what my parents have done to me has left it's marks, But like old wounds, They no longer hurt anymore.

I could remember when these memories would hurt but now? 

Now they were just empty old black and white memories from my past, Like old photos, The main cast in my memories were dead, At least to me they were.

''Yeah, I'm alright'' I whispered quietly, Giving him a fragile smile.

 Kadin returned the smile before Paris settled down on my other side, Taking up the place Ambrose had just left.

As soon as he sat down, Ferris tried attacking him.

Thanks to the fact I still had a hold on him, All he could do was flap his wings and scream at Paris.

''You know. . .They do say animals are a good judge of character'' Kadin teased as Paris frowned, Backing away slightly.

''Hey, It doesn't count if the one judging is a jerk'' Paris shot back, Sticking his tongue out at Ferris.

I fought back the smile that threatened to spread across my face at their childish antics.

'Jackass!' Ferris shot back, Glaring at Paris as if he had insulted his whole avian family line just by existing.

''Bastard'' Paris retorted, Narrowing his eyes as Ferris stopped thrashing, Opting instead to keep up the insults.

''You do know you're arguing with a bird right?'' Kadin asked, Amusement in his voice.

''Well I wouldn't be arguing with him if he wasn't such an asshole'' Paris said simply, This time it was Ferris's turn to -try- to stick his tongue out at Paris childishly.

A small sighed laugh escaped me, A smile spreading across my face.

I could feel some of the tension fading out of my body a the fairly familiar antics going on.

It's almost like I can forget what we were talking about not long ago. . .

I tried to stop the smile on my face as Ferris turned away from Paris, Sulking slightly as he proceeded to bury his feathery head in the crook of my shoulder.

'Mean boyfriend' Ferris grumbled out quietly.

''Didn't you start it?'' I asked the little grey sweet heart quietly.

He looked up at me as if he was shocked I would imply he was anything but an angel.

He did a birdy version of pouting as he turned his back to me, Hanging his head low as he did so.

Reaching forwards, I gently scritched at his head.

He slowly leaned into my touch, Dropping his whole 'upset' act.

He tended to act all hurt every now and then because he knows he'll get my full attention when he does.

Maybe Paris is more like Ferris then I thought. . .

I glanced up at said man who was sulking slightly as well.

Glancing down at Ferris then back to Paris, I slowly raised my other hand.

Reaching out, I gently patted the taller blonde on his head.

He blinked slowly, Turning to stare at me, His green eyes meeting with my blue ones.

I froze slightly as he reached up and gently grabbed onto my arm.

I blinked in surprise as he gently, Almost reverently, Kissed the inside of my wrist before releasing my arm so I could pull it back.

Before anything else could happen, Bailey and Ambrose came back into the family room.

''I really don't approve of this plan of yours'' I heard Ambrose mutter to Bailey, Said man had a familiar backpack slung over his shoulder as he approached us, Ambrose opting to hang back slightly.

''Upstairs'' Bailey muttered quietly to those of us sitting on the couch together.

I heard the two men on either side of me sigh before Paris got up, Gently grabbing my hand to tug me up as well.

Kadin stayed behind as Paris led me upstairs to the familiar and comfortable bedroom.

''Is uh. . .Everything going to be okay?'' I asked quietly as Paris gently tugged me down to the bed, Ferris took that moment to escape my gentle hold and fly up to perch on the door handle to the bathroom.

He gave me a small smile, His eyes holding slight worry despite it.

''Of course, It'll be just like last time we were locked up here'' Paris assured before I shook my head.

''No uh, I know Bailey will calm down after a while. . .'' I said before inhaling and bracing myself for the worst.

''I-Is everything going to be okay between you and Ambrose?'' I rushed out, I wanted to know, But I was also scared to know.

Things hadn't been the same since Ambrose joined our bond, And I just wanted to know what our new normal would be.

''Honestly, I'm afraid I do not know'' He admitted, Exhaustion leaking into his voice as he spoke.

Reaching out, I timidly rested my hand on his arm.

I sort of felt bad for him, Having to be in a relationship with someone he hates.

Then again, Ambrose is in the same boat as him in this case. . .

Before any more words could be exchanged between the two of us, Kadin and a rather annoyed Ambrose were both ushered into the bedroom.

''Why the Hel-. . .Heck. Am I being dragged into this?'' Ambrose demanded as Bailey, Just like last time, Locked the door.

. . .This does not look good. . .


And now we got a bunch of emotional men locked in a small room. . .WhAt CoUlD gO wRoNg?

Anyways, Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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