Chapter 68: 'Snuggles'

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:) It's been a while since we've had a sex scene. . .


We had dropped the Ambrose subject after that.

We had eaten supper in tense silence before heading up to get ready for bed.

I was curled up in bed next to Kadin, Said man was gently running his fingers through my hair distractedly while reading some mystery book.

I had learned that Kadin actually really liked mystery books.

I raised my head slightly so I could look at the page he was reading from.

    '''Clearly this is a dead end, I say we all just get out of here before we're killed too''' The professor said, Nervously fiddling with his pocket watch.

'''I must agree with Professor, I rather not die tonight''' The victim's wife said, Her lacy silk handkerchief clutched tightly in her grip.

'''You may all leave''' Will started to say, The suspects eye's lit up before he continued, '''Once the killer is found, Until then, I'd advise getting comfortable, I have a feeling this will be a long and bloody night before the killer is revealed''

The house staff proceeded to return to the kitchen, The five other people returning to their rooms, Leaving will alone with the slowly cooling body on the floor.

His crimson red blood very slowly soaking into the once white carpet.

'''Who could possibly do this to a fellow human?''' Will whispered, Examining the piano wire that had been used to strangle him as well as slice through the poor man's neck.

As he stared at the body, Will's eyes caught on a single small metal watch chain sitting just barely within the other man's hand, Clutched tightly even in death.

With a small hum, Will carefully pried open the stiff hand, Pulling the silver chain from his grip to examine it.

I was drawn out of the book by the bed shifting slightly as Bailey laid down behind me, His arms soon curling around my waist.

I stilled slightly as he took a look at the book as well.

''It's the Professor, His watch chain is at the scene'' Bailey stated simply, Moving to rest his head on top of mine.

''He doesn't have any reason to do so though'' Kadin pointed out.

I let out a tired sigh, This usually turns into an argument every time.

I wriggled out from between the two men as they both started to go over the clues in the book.

It was pretty cute if you ask me, I know Bailey doesn't like mystery books, He prefers fantasy, But that doesn't stop him from listening and debating with Kadin over the books.

Paris had gone back to his office a little earlier, Saying something along the lines of 'I have to go deal with something work related'.

I slipped out of bed, Heading back to Paris's office as Bailey and Kadin continued to debate who it could be.

They normally figure it out after a while.

I quietly walking down the other hallway, Heading for the single open door.

Just as I made it into the dim glow coming between the slightly open door, I heard Paris talking on the phone to someone.

''Alright, Keep a close eye on him, If he gets to be too much for you to handle then just bring him in and I'll help out'' I heard him say before falling quiet, Probably listening to the person on the other side.

''Right, Well, Good luck Mr. Miller'' Paris said before seemingly hanging up the call.

I poked my head around the door to look in at Paris, Said man was resting his forehead on a hand while he wrote something down in a file.

''Paris?'' I called out quietly to the blonde.

He raised his head, A small tired smile on his face.

''Yes? What can I help you with?'' He asked politely, A concerningly professional look on his face.

''Are you going to join us in bed?'' I asked, Not catching the implications my words held.

He must have though based upon the small lop sided smile that replaced his tired one.

''Not just yet, I have some work to do in here, You should go get some sleep though, You look tired'' He said, His professional mask dropping slightly, Gentle concern on his face.

''Just. . . Come to  bed eventually. . . Please'' I said quietly before I headed back to the bedroom.

I was expecting to see Bailey and Kadin still arguing over the book, Instead, I saw Bailey kissing Kadin passionately.

I briefly considered just heading downstairs and leaving those two to their make out session.

Before I could actually do so, They pulled apart to catch their breath.

Kadin glanced in my direction before he gave me a small smile, ''Care to join us?'' He asked, His voice slightly rough with arousal.

I could feel my face heating up as both of them now had their attention on me.

''Um I. . . Sure?'' I said hesitantly, Nervously standing near the door as I spoke.

Bailey gave me a small lopsided smile as he laid back down, Crossing his arms across his chest.

I approached the bed, Sitting at the edge closest to Kadin.

Said man wrapped his arms around my waist in a gentle hug.

I tilted my head back slightly to look up at him only for him to instantly kiss me.

I let out a sigh as he pulled away, The kiss brief and gentle.

I could feel my face still heating up as he pulled me closer to his chest.

My breath hitched slightly as he leaned down and gently kissed at my neck.

I leaned back into Kadin a bit as he slipped his hands up under my shirt.

''May I?'' He asked, His breath tickling across the skin on my neck.

I nodded shakily before quieting squeaking out a 'yeah'.

Kadin let out a small warm sounding chuckle before gently and lightly brushing his hands over my skin, Mapping out my body with his hands as he returned to kissing me.

This time, He deepened the kiss, Taking the breath from my lungs as his hands continued to travel over my skin.


Okay. Okay I know it got cut off, The next chapter is gonna be a bit dark so I wanted to start it with the actual sex scene so there is at least some good.

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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