Chapter 60: Better

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And Roux finally gets feeling better. . .


I woke up a while later to find myself snuggled in between Paris and Ambrose.

I blinked tiredly before slowly sitting up.

My face felt a bit tight from the tears that had dried on my cheeks.

I yawned quietly, Covering my mouth with my hand to be polite.

Turning my attention back to the peacefully sleeping men an idea came to me.

Here's hoping Paris is still a deep sleeper. . .

Carefully, I squirmed out from between them, Landing on the floor beside the couch with a muffled 'Thump'.

Poking my head back up slightly, I saw Paris mumble something under his breath but thankfully, Neither him nor Ambrose woke up.

Letting out a sigh of relief I slowly put my hands on Paris's back before slowly pushing him closer to Ambrose.

Much to my joy, Paris reached out in his sleep, Pulling the other man close into a hug.

I could feel a grin forming on my face as Ambrose snuggled closer to Paris, Both of them still asleep.

Finally, Their no longer fighting. . .

I sat back on my heels, Smiling happily as I watched the two men cuddle in their sleep.

Glancing over at the hallway, I noticed Kadin's shoes beside the door.

Oh, He's home!

I took one last look back at the two sleeping men before getting up and carefully walking out of the room, Going to seek out Kadin.

I didn't have to wander far to find said man.

He was in the kitchen filling up a small familiar looking water dish.

My eyes widened in surprise, With all the stress lately I didn't have a lot of time to worry over how Ferris was doing.

''Kadin? Did you really bring him home?'' I asked quietly, Excitement making my heart race faster.

Said man jumped slightly, His hand moving to his chest as his widened eyes landing on me.

''Crying out loud, We really have to put a bell on you'' Kadin whispered, Catching his breath from the little scare.

''Sorry. . . But did you bring Ferris home?'' I asked, Eager to see my feathered friend again.

Kadin gave me a warm smile, His eyes sparkling with happiness.

''Well you're awfully eager to see him, Do I have to worry that we have competition?'' He teased, Smiling down at me as he moved to ruffle my hair.

I smiled back up at him as he gently steered me towards the table by a hand gently at the small of my back.

''Of course not. . . I'd choose Ferris every time'' I teased back.

The man next to me had to cover his mouth slightly to muffle his chuckle.

''Oh how cold'' He said with faked sadness.

Beaming up at him, I lightly bumped my hips into his.

''I'm joking, You guys mean the world to me'' I whispered honestly before the cloth covered cage on the table caught my full attention.

''Now he might not be too eager to stay up, He really seemed to get stressed out on the car ride home'' Kadin informed me.

I nodded understandingly, Ferris would always act tough and brave whenever I was with him, However I knew he hated car rides, They scared him mercilessly.

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