Chapter 41: Tension

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:T Annnnd here we go 


And just like that Ambrose's demeanor changed on a dime, He got up, Scowling as he moved between Paris and I.

''Did you go blind or something? The sign on that damn door says I'm fucking busy! You can- '' Ambrose started to rant only for Paris to shove him aside.

''Roux? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?'' Paris asked worriedly, His hands moving to gently turn my head, Looking me up and down for any signs of injury.

''I'm fi-'' I started to say only for Ambrose to cut me off.

''Paris. Don't you dare mess with my patient'' Ambrose snarled, Grabbing the blonde my his arm.

Paris whipped around, Shoving the other man's hand off his sleeve.

''My boyfriend is not your patient.'' Paris hissed, Poking Ambrose in the chest.

''Come on Roux, Lets get you home'' Paris said, Not taking his eyes off of Ambrose.

I hurriedly got up off the couch, The tension in the air making me nervous.

''You aren't taking him anywhere. If you have a problem with me assessing him then take it up with our boss. Until then get the fuck out.'' Ambrose snapped coldly.

He stormed past Paris, Bumping his shoulder into the blonde's roughly.

Paris just scowled, His hands clenching into fists as he glared at the brown eyed man.

I nervously twisted my hands together, I hadn't seen Paris this angry before, It was honestly scaring me.

He glanced back at me, Seeming to notice how tense I was.

Sighing he closed his eyes and unclenched his hands, Ambrose just rolled his eyes and moved to lightly rest his arm on my shoulders.

Paris opened his eyes, His face holding a practiced blank look as he walked over to Ambrose and I.

He very firmly shoved Ambrose's arm off my shoulders before crouching down in front of me.

''I'm going to go have a word with my higher up, I'll be back as soon as I can and then we'll go home'' He explained calmly, Reaching out and holding my hands, Stopping me from wringing them.

''Okay, But he's not-'' I started to say only for Ambrose to cut me off this time.

This is getting annoying. . .

''You can ask them all you fucking want, Just leave already.'' Ambrose growled, His arm moving back to rest protectively over my shoulders.

I could see Paris gritting his teeth, His eyes locked onto Ambrose's eyes with a pissed off look.

The tension was rising again, Deciding to take things into my own hands I gently pushed Ambrose's arm off of me.

Paris gave him a smug look before getting up and leaning down to lightly kiss my head, Before he could leave though I continued.

''Paris, Please, If this will help any with the court thing. . .'' I started only to trail off, Not sure what to say without accidently insulting either one of them.

He seemed to understand thankfully, He sighed and lightly ruffled my hair.

''Fine, But we're talking when we get home'' Paris said quietly, His face mere inches from mine.

I nodded slowly, The nervous tension easing up slightly as he backed away, Heading to the door.

''Ambrose. If you so much as make him cry I will end you.'' Paris snarled back, His eyes taking on  a frighteningly dark look as he gave the other man a glare.

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