Chapter 83:

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And back to Roux's Pov. . .


I followed behind Kadin, Hopelessly tired but still happy to be back home with my boyfriends.

However, That happy tired feeling was dashed when we entered the kitchen, Replaced with concern.

Paris and Bailey were talking with each other while Ambrose sat next to Bailey, Looking like he wanted to sink into the floor.

As soon as I started to stare at him, His gaze turned away from Paris and onto me.

It was at that moment that I remembered exactly what I was wearing. . .

I could feel my face heating up as Ambrose slowly examined my outfit, Confusion filling his gaze.

Kadin rested his hand on my shoulder as Ambrose got up, Moving past Paris and Bailey as they continued to exchanged clipped words with each other.

''Hello Ambrose'' Kadin greeted, His voice tired but still kind sounding.

''Greetings Stone, Sorry for the un-expected visit'' Ambrose said politely, A thin smile firmly in place on his face.

He's stressed? Or is he upset?

His eyes looked tired from behind the thin frames of his glasses.

Seemingly noticing me staring, Ambrose looked back down towards me, His gaze locking with mine.

I was very proud of myself when I managed to hold his dark brown gaze.

''Uh. . .Roux, Mind explaining why you're wearing something as. . .'Mature' as . . .That'' Ambrose asked slowly, Clearly confused how to approach this.

''It's my Halloween costume'' I said simply, Moving closer to Kadin, Hoping to use the other man to hide what I was wearing.

''That costume is hardly appropriate though'' Ambrose pointed out bluntly.

I opened my mouth, About to say something back to that before realizing. . .I didn't have anything to say to that.

''Who even got that for you?'' Ambrose continued before Paris joined out little conversation suddenly.

''I did, Don't feel jealous though, I can always get you one'' Paris said, Placing his hand on Ambrose's shoulder as he spoke.

Ambrose just arched an eyebrow, Stepping away from Paris's touch.

''I don't wish to ever wear something that perverted, I am concerned why you would let him wear such a revealing thing.'' Ambrose said, Refusing to look Paris in the eyes as he spoke.

''Sure. Totally believe you'' Paris said sarcastically, Reaching out to rest his arm over Ambrose's shoulders.

''Don't touch me.'' Ambrose grumbled out, Shoving the other man's arm off of him.

  ''Is someone cranky? Are you up past your bedtime?'' Paris teased, Poking at the side of Ambrose's face.

That earned him a glare from Ambrose.

''Right. And that's my cue to leave. Goodbye, It was nice to see you Stone, You too Roux'' Ambrose said, Giving Kadin and I a thin smile before glancing back at Bailey.

''It was okay seeing you again Cresent'' He continued before glancing over at Paris.

''. . .I'll see you at work tomorrow I guess, Paris'' He said simply, Turning away and heading for the door as he spoke.

Paris chuckled slightly before following the other man.

I had been in a tired daze so far, But watching Paris follow the other man snapped me out of it.

''Kadin? Is it a good idea to let Paris follow him outside?'' I asked quietly, Genuine concern tinting my voice.

Kadin glanced over where Paris and Ambrose last were before shaking his head.

''Nope, We better follow'' Kadin muttered, Walking in the direction of where the two men had gone.

I followed behind, Tugging down slightly on the skirt, The air was cold and it was somehow making it up the skirt.

Stepping outside, I shivered slightly as I followed Kadin.

Paris was leaning on Ambrose's car, Speaking to Ambrose through the open car window.

''Paris? Are you coming back inside?'' I asked quietly once we were within ear shot of him and Ambrose.

Both men looked in the direction of Kadin and I before looking back at each other.

''Think about what I said. . .'' Paris muttered to the other man before he stood up and approached Kadin and I.

''Alright! Inside we go!'' Paris said happily, Moving to try and pick me up.

I squirmed out of his grip, Worried that the maid dress I was wearing would ride up too much if he picked me up.

Paris pouted slightly at that, Giving me what would best be described as puppy eyes.

Leaning forwards, I kissed him lightly on his lips.

I was about to pull back when he placed his hand on the back of my head and deepened the kiss.

Relaxing into his hold, I let his tongue explore my mouth as my breath slowly started to run out.

After a moment, He pulled back, Leaving me a warm blushing mess.

''Right! We were heading inside weren't we?'' Paris said happily, Seeming to be in an even better mood.

''You're a jerk for messing with Roux like that'' Kadin stated simply, Lightly smacking Paris upside his head as soon as the blonde neared him.

''Oh the abuse. . .'' Paris muttered dramatically, Placing both his hands over his heart as he spoke.

I felt a smile form on my face as I watched the two men bicker playfully as they went inside.

Turning away from them, I tilted my head back, Looking at the stars sparkling brightly in the cool autumn sky.

Letting out a small sigh, I could see my breath forming faint foggy puffs of air every time I exhaled.

The moon was bright in the sky above us, The clouds that normally would hide it were gone, Cleared from the sky.

I remembered an old story I had once read to Brooke when she was younger about the moon being the blind sister to the sun.

At this moment, It really felt like it was watching me.

My smile slowly started to fall as the feeling didn't go away.

Looking around, I started to search for the source of the feeling until finally I spotted a solid black car parked in one of the neighbor's drive ways.

The driver's window was rolled down but all lights inside were off, Hiding everything in pitch darkness.

I watched in frozen terror as the window slowly rolled up before the car pulled out of the driveway and drove off.

There were no license plates on the car.

That's not good. . .I gotta tell Bailey. . .


 >:) Also. . .Next chapter's a sex scene. . .I remember what I promised, It's gonna be in the office. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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