Chapter 50: Revealed. . .

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:T Annd the chaos starts. . .


The room remained tense for a long while, No one wanting to even look over at the 'guest' we had.

After a while, Everyone just decided that going to bed was the safest option.

Bailey had taken it upon himself to take Ambrose to his room, Leaving Kadin and I to deal with a seething Paris in our bedroom.

''I can't believe he's staying here.'' Paris grumbled, Pacing back and forth around the room.

''Paris, Sweetheart, Come sit down with us please. . .'' Kadin called out, Sounding as nervous as I was currently feeling.

It's one thing for Bailey to get annoyed, Heck, That seems to be his default whenever we are around others. . . 

But Paris. . . He normally is calm. . . Normally. . .

Maybe tonight's not a good time to mention Ambrose. . .

''No, Not until Bailey gets back, I don't trust that sad excuse for a psychologist to not try and mess with him.'' Paris grumbled, His hands clenching into fists as he paused in his pacing.

Why did I have to mess this up. . . Why do I always mess things up. . .

Kadin nodded slowly before crawling across to my side of the bed, Sitting down next to me.

Paris had resumed his pacing, This time his fingers were tapping into his hands, Clasped behind his back.

I glanced over at Kadin just as he gently cupped my head with his hand.

I stared into his eyes, Confused for a moment at what he wanted.

Isn't Paris the one who needs the attention? Not me. . .

He leaned in close enough so his face was mere inches away from mine.

I glanced down at his lips briefly, My face warming as my thoughts turned away from the upset man pacing about to the warm one in front of me.

Kadin gave me a small smile as he leaned closer to me, The hand on my head moving to rest in the small of my back.

''May I?'' He asked quietly, Seemingly ignoring Paris.

Is he. . . Are we really gonna do this with someone else in the house?

My face was starting to all out flare with heat as I nodded faintly, ''Y-Yeah'' I whispered.

He smiled warmly at me before lightly locking lips with me.

I sighed quietly, Opening my mouth willingly as his tongue lightly licked across my lips.

 I could taste the minty flavor of toothpaste still on his breath from when we were all getting ready for bed.

I relaxed further at the slow pace Kadin was setting with the kiss, His tongue slowly and carefully mapping out my mouth.

After a short while, My breath was starting to run out as the slow and gentle kiss continued.

If this is how I die than I will die happy

My breath was starting to run out when Kadin finally pulled back enough for me to breath.

I stared up at him, Our breathing ragged as we both caught our breaths.

I raised my gaze to his honey one, Trying to draw my attention away from the growing 'Issue' down below.

''O-Okay, I love your kisses but. . . Why?'' I asked, My voice barely above a whisper.

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