Chapter 77: Spooky season

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Halloween. . .HALLOWEEN!!


I opened my eyes slowly as I felt the bed behind me dip slightly.

Sitting up ever so slightly, I looked back at Bailey, He was sitting down on the edge of the bed, Tiredly taking off his uniform.

Rolling over slightly in bed, Bailey had just enough time to look back at me before I wrapped my arms around his waist in a hug.

He let out a quiet little chuckle, His hands moving to rest on top of mine.

We remained like that for a moment before Bailey gently patted my arms slightly.

''Let go Roux, I still need to get changed'' Bailey whispered quietly, His voice tired sounding.

Sighing, I sat back on the bed as Bailey got up, Grabbing some clothes out of the dresser before glancing back at me.

I took the hint and closed my eyes, Giving him privacy to change, And more importantly, Keeping me from seeing anything that might wake up my member.

After a moment of rustling clothes, The bed dipped slightly again.

I opened my eyes, Expecting to see a fully clothed Bailey.

Instead, I was greeted with a shirtless Bailey.

I could feel my face flushing slightly as I started to wake up even further.

He let out a tired sigh as he settled in behind me, His arm laying over me with a comforting weight.

Sadly however, It was providing the opposite effect for me.

I could feel warmth starting to grow down at my groin as my member took interest in the man behind me.

I could feel my body tensing up as I slowly moved my hands down to hide my growing reaction.

Sadly, My movement did not go unnoticed by Bailey.

I heard a very tired sigh come from Bailey before he buried his face in my hair, His hands traveling down to rest over mine.

I swallowed nervously at that, My body as stiff as a rod as my member started to flag slightly under the weight of my fear.

''Do you really need to do that right now?'' Bailey asked quietly, Exhaustion in his voice as he spoke.

I shook my head slightly, My face flushing as shame started to bubble up in my chest.

''N-No. . .It's just uh. . .'' I started before drifting off, Not really wanting to call it morning wood.

Bailey hummed thoughtfully his hands drifting back up to my chest.

''Right. . .We better get to sleep then'' He muttered quietly, Yawning mid sentence.

I nodded silently, Burying my face slightly in the pillow.

I could feel embarrassment and a bit of shame bubbling up inside me as I tried to ignore my slowly flagging problem down below, My interest now mostly lost.

Did he not like it that much when we did it last time?

Stop it Roux. . .He's just gotten off a late night shift, He's tired. . .

I calmed down a tiny bit at that thought, I didn't do anything wrong. . .Hopefully. . .

--- Time skip ---

 Sighing, I slowly started to wake up, The sound of Ferris screeching being the main cause.

I groaned quietly as I sat up, Rubbing at my eyes.

The others weren't in bed with me. . .

I shivered slightly at the cooler air as I got out of bed, My skin still warm from the blankets.

Wonder what's made him so upset so early in the morning. . .

Making my way downstairs, I could hear Ferris's screeching calming down.

''What's going o-'' I started to ask tiredly as I walked into the kitchen.

My question froze on my lips as I stared at Kadin and Paris.

''Is it really that bad of a costume?'' Kadin asked when he noticed my reaction.

Kadin was currently wearing what looked to be a plague doctor costume, His bird like mask thing was currently resting on the counter, In front of a very upset Ferris.

''N-No, It looks nice. . .Just. . .Why are you wearing a Plague doctor costume?'' I asked slowly as I approached the counter and the currently hissing Ferris.

He did not seem to approve of the mask.

Kadin paused before smiling slightly at me, Concern in his eyes.

''Roux, Sweetheart, It's Halloween. . .The school is throwing a Halloween party'' Kadin explained slowly.

I blinked slowly before noticing what he was currently cooking.

Orange colored rise crispy treats.

''Oh'' I muttered quietly, Having completely lost track of the days that had passed.

''Are you feeling alright Roux?'' Kadin asked, Having moved to stand in front of me.

I smiled up at him, Kinda liking how he looked in the Plague doctor costume.

''Yeah, I guess I just haven't been paying attention lately'' I admitted sheepishly as Kadin's worried expression softened.

''That's understandable'' Kadin said calmly as he gently ruffled my hair with his now gloved hand.

''Why in the world are you wearing costume gloves while cooking?'' I asked as I followed him back around the counter.

''Purely because they're hellish to put on'' He explained simply before Paris? entered the kitchen.

I blinked in surprise as he smiled proudly.

''What do you think?'' He asked, His normal speech sounding slightly lisp-y.

''You know you could lose the fangs'' Kadin pointed out as Paris made his way over to us.

''Yes, I could, But where would be the fun in that?'' He asked, Smiling down as Kadin as he snagged one of the Rice crispy treats Kadin was cutting into even squares.

Shaking his head, Kadin just went back to making more treats.

''Aren't you going to dress up too?'' Paris asked me, Having taken out his fake plastic fang teeth so he could eat the sugary treat.

''I uh. . .Forgot Halloween was today'' I admitted quietly to the man currently leaning on the counter, Eating a bright orange colored sugary treat.

I felt a small bit of worry form in my heart as an evil glint formed in his eyes.

''You can't go to a Halloween party without a costume. . .Don't worry though, I'll find one for you'' Paris said, Offering to find me one far too quickly.

Before I could protest, He had pushed himself off the counter and headed out of the kitchen.

''If I were you, I would be very cautious about whatever costume he gives you'' Kadin warned, A small smile on his face as he offered me one of the treats.

I accepted it with a weary smile.

This could either go really good. . .Or really embarrassingly.


 Right, So, What costume do ya'll think he should wear? Which ever one is asked for the most will be the 'winner'.

Anyways, Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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