Chapter 65: Argument

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Annd we're back! With the final (For a while at least) chapter from Ambrose's Pov


Fucking hell I didn't think this through. . .

I sat at my desk, My fingers roughly running through my hair as I tried to calm myself.

The judge had called for a recess so the stand in lawyer for Mr Pup and his wives could actually go over the case that had been dumped on them mere hours ago.

I was allowed to leave if I wanted to seeing as I was just a witness and not someone on trial.

However, I was planning on seeing this through, I wanted to know what would happen to Roux.

And if that meant I'd have to deal with being near Paris for a while, Than I guess I could bear such a hell.

Sighing, I thought absently that maybe it would be a good idea to lock my office door for now.

Of course, Before I could even reach for my glasses, I heard the door bang open as whoever opened it put in way too much force.

''What the hell Rose!?'' Paris demanded, Marching up to my desk.

''Don't.'' I snapped back curtly as I reached for my glasses, Wanting to see Paris. . . For safety reasons.

''Why the hell did you tell them we weren't good for Roux!?'' Paris demanded as I slipped my glasses on, Relived to have the blurry world become focused.

Scowling, I rested my arms on my desk, My gaze very briefly flicking over to Bailey.

Said man was standing next to the door as if he was guarding it, And seeing as his arms were crossed, It wasn't that hard to believe.

''Because you aren't.'' I stated bluntly, Glaring right back at Paris.

''Why aren't we.'' Bailey asked coldly, Finally speaking up much to my regret.

His voice spoke of the fury he was containing and that did not bode well for me at all.

''Yes. Do explain why we are so bad for him.'' Paris asked, Moving back from my desk slightly so he could look down at me.

Bastard, Lording this slight height difference over me. . . As if that'd affect anything. . .

Despite the fact that I knew what he was trying to do, I still stood up as well to keep this an even playing field.

''Alright. You want me to list the ways? Fine.'' I grumbled, Storming over to stand in front of him.

''First of all. He's clearly scared of Mr. Cresent over there. For fucks sake! He thought that man was gonna hurt you when he wanted to speak with you alone!'' I snapped, Drawing to mind the little actions Roux would do every now and then around his boyfriends.

''He acts like he's walking on egg shells around him! Every time he does anything around Cresent he is always tense until he gets some sort of reassurance that it's fine!'' I continued, Remembering how frightened he looked when Bailey had dragged me into their bedroom after accidently touching my bare skin.

''And you.'' I snapped, Cutting Paris off before he could say anything.

''You yelled at him! You fucking yelled at him for something out of his control! He didn't have a say in who was added onto your stupid soulbond yet you yelled at him anyways!'' I ranted, I remember how surprised and disappointed I had felt when Paris had turned on Roux that night, I had always hated him but I had hoped he had at least a little sense in that empty skull of his.

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