Chapter 63: Resentment

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And we have a special chapter here! Try and figure out who's Pov we're in for this chapter :)


Sighing, I kept putting the documents I needed for the court proceedings today into the manila folder with my name scrawled across the front in my normal cursive handwriting.

How annoying. I have to go up in front a bunch of people just to defend someone my enemy loves. . .

 I paused while putting the required papers into the folders, Considering briefly leaving some of the documents behind, Just enough to prevent the defense from winning.

As soon as that thought entered my head I couldn't help but scowl.

What the hell am I thinking? Those people hurt that poor kid. . . Roux. . .

I finished stuffing the rest of the papers into the folder, Ignoring the fact that I had accidently wrinkled more than a few as I stuffed them in roughly.

Fuck it. Who cares about neatness anyways.

Letting out an annoyed grumbled, I slammed the folder down on the edge of my desk with a little more force than I had intended.

''Well aren't you cheerful today'' A sarcastic voice said from the doorway to my office.

I felt my hands clench into fists as I kept my back to the door.

''The hell do you want.'' I asked coldly as I listened to Paris's footsteps approach me.

He was silent for a long moment before I felt him lightly place his hand on my shoulder.

Frowning, I brushed it off, My body remaining tense as I finally turned to face the other man.

His eyes were narrowed ever so slightly, The annoyingly familiar neutral look back on his face.

''Oh hell no'' I grumbled out, Turning back away from him so he couldn't see my eyes.

I reached a hand up to fiddle with my glasses slightly out of habit, Making sure they were securely in place.

I hated it when others tried to read me.

It just felt like they were patronizing me anymore.

''You're nervous?'' He asked, His voice back to the deceptive calm neutral tone he used whenever he was talking to one of his patients.

''Of course I am. I've never been in a court room before! Let alone on the stand.'' I snapped, Ignoring the fact that I had just accidently given him something he could easily lord over me.

I rested my hands on my desk, My eyes closing tightly as I felt a headache coming on.

This is going to be a long day.

''How? Anders has assigned you a few patients before who ended up requiring to go to court'' Paris asked, Confusion in his voice as he moved to be standing at my side, Just barely visible as a ever so slightly human shaped blur out of the corner of my eyes.

I let out a cold chuckle, Moving to sit slightly on my desk, My legs crossing as I faced the annoying man before me.

He looked confused by my reaction and I took a small bit of pride in catching the universe's 'golden boy' off guard briefly.

''Yes they've ended up in court. However, Anders would never send in someone who very well may offend the whole court room as well as the patient.'' I grumbled out ruefully, A cold half smirk forming on my lips.

''After all. . . Why would he take that risk when he has a doctor as 'perfect' as you at his disposal'' I said coldly, Add it on as a slight jab as I pushed myself off my desk, The folder clutched in my hand as I walked past Paris, Heading for the door.

''Ambrose. . .'' Paris called out after me, His voice back to the impassive one he uses again.

Closing my eyes, I ignored him, Reaching out to grab at the door handle instead.

''Ambrose wait. . .'' He tried again, When I showed no reaction he used a dirty trick I still somehow have not found a way to not react to.

''Rose please w-'' He started to plead before I spun around to face him, Burning fury racing through me as soon as I heard him use that name.

''No. Don't you dare call me that. You have no right to use his name for me.'' I snapped at him, My hands clenching into fists, Not even noticing when I started to bend the upper edge of the folder in my rage.

Paris held his hands up slightly, Putting up a non-threatening front.

Despite his body language, I could see a small sparkle in his eyes, He got just what he wanted from me, A reaction.

Scowling, I wasn't about to let him just surrender after pulling suck a dirty trick.

Storming up to him, I poked him in his chest, Glaring into his annoying green eyes.

''You shouldn't even know that god forsaken nickname.'' I growled out at him, My eyes narrowed in pure fury.

Arching his eyebrows, Paris stared back at me calmly, Making my anger waver slightly.

He slowly proceeded to lower his hands to rest on my shoulders.

Scowling, I was about to brush his hands off of me when there was a knock at the door.

''Let me go'' I growled out quietly to him, Putting up a cold mask of indifference as shrugged his hands off me.

He watched me as I walked over to the door, Just now really noticing the slightly crumpled folder was still in my hands.

''You sure you want to open that door?'' Paris called out to me even as I grabbed onto the handle.

''I'm not playing one of your damn games again Paris.'' I grumbled out before continuing ''I have much better things to waste my time on.''.

Opening the door, I expected to see another doctor, A patient or even Anders.

Instead a frightening yet surprisingly sexy man stood on the other side, Wearing his uniform.

I swallowed thickly, Taking a nervous step backwards as his hazel eyes bored into my brown ones.

''Hello sweetheart, Did you come to pick us up?'' Paris asked, Brushing past me as I remained frozen, Staring at the man before me as my mind tried to decide if he was scary or sexy.

He looked like he could easily beat me up without even breaking a sweat but. . . I'm also pretty sure a preschooler could do the same. . .

Than again, Preschoolers don't normally taunt you.

Said man looked me up and down, His eyes practically burning trough my clothes, Leaving their mark on me as I nervously backed further away from the two men, Moving to keep my desk between them and me.

Fucking hell. . . This day is going to suck. . .


Well! Seeing as Roux is mostly just going to be chilling at home with Kadin and Ferris, We get Ambrose as our temp main boy for a while, Any guesses why Bailey is there though?

Anyways! Like always, have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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