Chapter 47: Old friend

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Well now, This is most likely late. . . ('Thankfully' only by two hours. . .)


''Oh. Oh are you really pulling 'oldest brother' on me!? How mature of you.'' Laszlo sneered, His eyes narrowing as his hands moved to his sides, Clenching into fists.

''Mature? At least I'm not the one hurting someone cause they made me mad.'' Bailey snapped back, Gesturing to Daire.

The silver eyed boy was looking from angry man to angry man with surprise, Much like I currently was.

''You know nothing about whats going on between us.'' Laszlo snapped, His fists clenching to the point his knuckles were white.

''Nah, He pretty much has it down'' Daire interjected before Bailey could respond, The teal haired boy was giving Laszlo what I could best describe as a 'Fight me.' look.

Bailey moved to stand in front of me as the pale gold eyed man turned his building rage onto Daire.

''Laszlo. Don-'' Bailey started to say before he was cut off.

''Bailey, Laszlo, I could use your help in the interrogation rooms'' The black haired man said, Approaching the two clearly angry men.

I watched in surprise as the two men just clenched their fists and nodded curtly, Not even attempting to argue.

They both turned on their heels, All but marching back to where I assumed the rooms were.

The black haired man let out a tired sounding sigh, One of his hands moved to run his fingers through his hair, Disturbing his hat.

Those are. . . Some pretty dark circles there. . .

The poor guy had surprisingly dark circles under his eyes, Add onto that the slight stubble on his face and you have a very tired looking man.

''C'mon Daire, Lets go get you to a room'' The man muttered, His velvety voice sounding tired up close.

''Fuck off.'' Daire just hissed back, Trying to move away from him before he could grab onto the cuffs.

''Yeah, Yeah I know'' The man grumbled, Grabbing Daire by the arm before glancing back at me for a moment. 

''Alaric. Let me go.'' Daire hissed, Attempting to tug his arm out of the black haired man's hold.

Alaric paused before sighing.

''Richard, Watch over Bailey's kid.'' He muttered to a blonde haired officer as he dragged Darie off.

I felt a spike of worry fill me as I watched on, Concerned for the clearly unhappy boy.

''Hey there, Guess we're hanging out 'till your dad gets back'' The person I assumed was Richard said happily as he moved to stand beside me.

I gave him a small sympathetic smile, ''He's not my dad sir, He's my boyfriend. . .'' I corrected meekly.

His eyes widened before he hurried to apologize over his mistake.

I held my hands up, Attempting to comfort the clearly guilty feeling officer.

''Ah, Lets just play a game and forget about this, Okay?'' He asked hopefully, Pulling a card pack out of his pocket.

My small smile turned from sympathetic to excited, ''I didn't know you guys are allowed to carry playing cards'' I muttered as I followed him over to a empty bench.

''I'm pretty sure we're not, So. . . Just don't tell Laszlo or Alaric, Those two are sticks in the mud'' Richard said while shuffling and dealing the cards, Using the bench as a makeshift table.

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