Chapter 16: School pt: 2

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Ha! it's a early chapter!!, Don't worry im still putting one out next week too, Either way time to suffer!


''She's far too skinny too'' He commented, Moving to push open the passenger side door.

''Hey! im not too skinny! im fun sized you meanie!'' Brook said, Pouting as she glared at him.

''That's. . . Not the correct conte-'' I started to say before the sound of the bus rolling down the street distracted me.

''Come on you two, Hop in'' Bailey called, Grabbing my attention.

''No thank you creepy man, Roux says not to trust anyone, Least of all cops'' Brook said innocently, Attempting to tug me along after her.

''B-Brook!, We can trust him'' I squeaked out, Tugging her back over to Bailey while my face flamed in embarrassment.

When I went to sit in shotgun Bailey stopped me, ''Nope, You sit in the back, I want to chat with Brook'' He said, A slightly amused look on his face.

--- Time skip to school ---

After a very awkward drive later, Brook got out of the police car and eagerly ran to her shocked friends.

This was a big mistake, During the drive Brook ended up spilling a few more things I had done and said, Including more then a few times our parents had hurt me.

As I started to get out of the car a hand on my arm stopped me, ''Not so fast Roux, We are going to have a talk later today alright?'' He more so ordered as he stared at me.

I nodded and that seemed to work for him, He leaned forwards and locked lips with me.

I quietly gasped as he gently sucked my bottom lip in-between his teeth, He gently nipped my bottom lip before releasing me.

''Be good Roux!'' He called after me as I dashed out of the car, My face a flame.

I turned around to quickly wave bye to him before dashing into the school, I glanced up to see a smiling Kadin near the door.

He gave me a knowing look before heading off to help one of the teachers, Blushing I hurried off to class.

--- Time skip to lunch ---

I groaned and flopped down on the grass next to Reese, ''You okay my dude?'' Reese asked, Gently poking me in the side of my face.

I just groaned again and rolled over, Covering my face with a arm.

''I think you killed him Reese'' Jason said, A hint of laughter in his voice.

I groaned again before stretching out, My shirt lifted slightly exposing my colored in soulmarks.

''Hey, When did you get those finished?'' Reese asked, Holding my arm still as he looked at the marks.

''Just yesterday, Why?'' I asked, Looking up at them.

Jason sighed and grabbed my arm, tugging me to my tired feet.

''Do you not remember the class on soulmarks?'' Jason quizzed, Tugging me behind himself and into the school.

''Not much, I slept through most of it, Why?'' I asked through a yawn as Jason kept tugging me down the hallways.

He let out a long suffering sigh before explaining, ''You see, When someone with lots of soulmarks have them all or most all of them filled in at the same time, Oh sorry'' He paused and released my arm, I rubbed at the slight red marks left.

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