Chapter 52: Talking

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Annd everyone spends time together. . . Very stressful time. . .


I walked down the stairs as silently as I could, Ambrose following right behind me equally silent.

''I'm perfectly calm, Bailey'' Paris said quietly with what sounded like forced calm from the family room.

I heard Ambrose let out a muffled chuckle at that, That simple reaction made my nerves spike even more.

I feel like I'm gonna throw up. . .

I glanced back at him, He had a grim look on his face as he stared at the archway before us.

Might as well just go on in. . .

Timidly, I stepped into the dimly lit room that currently held one of my biggest problems today.

Bailey stood in front of the couch Paris was currently sitting on, Frowning down at the blonde.

Kadin was sitting beside Paris, Looking tired and drained.

I slowly walked into the room, The other two men didn't notice me, However Bailey did.

He glanced over at me before his Frown softened slightly, ''Oh, You're feeling better?'' He asked quietly, Turning slightly to face me.

 That got everyone else's attention, I felt cold chills run up my back as they all turned to stare at Ambrose and I.

''Roux. . . Ambrose.'' Paris greeted with a frighteningly impassive tone.

''Hey. . .'' I whispered back nervously, Worriedly wringing my hands in my shirt.

There was silence from the others, However Kadin gave me a soothing smile as soon as I locked eyes with him.

I returned the tiny smile before Kadin lightly patted the couch next to him, Inviting me to come sit down.

Glancing over at Paris, I saw his whole attention seemed to be on Ambrose currently.

With that in mind, I moved over to sit down next to Kadin, Curling slightly into his side as he draped an arm over my shoulders, Pulling me close.

''Ambrose. Do you have a reason to be down here?'' Paris asked quietly, His eyes narrowing slightly as he stared at the slightly smug looking man.

''Just here to see how badly you mess up now'' He said simply, Moving to lean on the entranceway, His arms crossed across his chest.

Paris just gave him a thin, Strained smile before turning back to the rest of us.

''Kadin, Sweetie, Would you and Bailey please head upstairs for a momen-'' Paris started to say before he was cut off by both men instantly saying 'No.'.

He let out a stressed sounding sigh before putting on another tight smile, ''Right than, Roux, Come with me for a moment then'' He said quietly, Getting up before Bailey moved between him and me.

''No, He won't be going with you for a moment'' Bailey grumbled, Crossing his arms as he stared down at Paris.

I glanced between the two of them nervously before looking up at Kadin.

He frowned before looking back down at me, A sympathetic look on his face.

Bailey and Paris were quietly arguing in front of us.

My head was starting to feel fuzzy and slightly hazy.

Must be the stress. . .

Kadin hugged me a little tighter to himself, Catching my attention before lightly kissing my forehead.

A small smile formed on my face at first until I noticed his lips were lingering on my head a lot longer than normal.

''Roux? You feeling okay? You're awfully warm. . .'' Kadin whispered to me worriedly, Moving back slightly to look down at me.

''Maybe it's just from us kissing earlier?'' I guessed, Confused and hopeful that something would go my way for once.

Kadin just hummed in a noncommittal way, Staring down at me silently.

''Come on, Trust me with this okay, I just want a word alone with Roux'' Paris reasoned, Reaching up to set his hand on Bailey's shoulder.

''Like hell you will, You aren't trust worthy in this case'' Bailey said as Kadin and I both turned out attention back to the two arguing men.

Before Paris could respond, Ambrose interrupted.

''As much as I hate this, I can say, Paris normally doesn't fuck up more than once with a person'' He called out to us, Still leaning on the archway.

We all turned to look at him, Paris's impassive expression actually being broken by a look of surprise.

Everyone was silent for a moment, Just staring at Ambrose until the contact wearing man's face started to turn slightly pink.

''You know what, I take that back, He's a dumbass'' Ambrose grumbled, Glancing away from us briefly.

Paris's eyes seemed to light up before he schooled his features back to a neutral one.

''Well now, May Roux and I go now?'' Paris asked, Moving to stand next to where Kadin and I were sitting.

Kadin and Bailey glanced at each other, Before they could get into another debate I got up, Moving to stand nervously next to Paris.

''Roux? You sure you want to do this?'' Kadin asked, Standing up as well.

I nodded slowly before shaking my head, I paused for a moment before shrugging, ''L-Lets just get this out of the way. . . Please?'' I asked quietly.

Paris frowned, Looking down at me before nodding, ''Alright, How about we head upstairs to my office okay?'' He asked quietly as he started to lead me out of the family room.

I nodded nervously, My body tensing up as Paris looped his arm around my waist.

I nervously kept my eyes on the ground as he led me up the stairs and down the second, Much darker hallway.

I was feeling slightly faint as the hallway seemed to go on far longer than it actually does.

However, As soon as we reached the door I wished the walk was longer.

Opening the door, He gestured towards the couch like thing he has in there.

Nervously, I moved to sit down on it, Tensely sitting there as Paris rolled his chair out to be in front of me so we could face each other.

This isn't going to go well is it. . .

Sighing, Paris dragged his hands down his face briefly before reaching out to hold my hands in his.

''Look Roux, I am so sorry I snapped at you'' He started off, Waiting until I made eye contact with him before he continued.

''I know there seems to be no good reason to say what I said. . .So I guess I should try to explain why. . .'' He said slowly, Clearly choosing his words carefully.

Oh. . . 

This'll be. . . Interesting I guess. . .


  Alllright, Just gonna drop this cliff hanger here, Any guesses on Paris's reasoning?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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