Chapter 45: Helping?

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Late chapter 'cause I can't get my shit together! Yay T-T


We had been snuggling for a while when we were disturbed by a ringing phone.

Paris and Kadin both looked over to Bailey, ''Aren't you going to pick up your phone?'' Kadin asked from behind me.

Bailey just sighed and pulled out his phone, He stared at his phone screen for a moment before sighing.

He just wordlessly accepted the call, Setting it on speaker.

''What do you want?'' Bailey asked the phone, Annoyance in his voice.

There was silence for a moment before the person on the other side actually responded.

''I take it this is a bad time?'' A velvety yet slightly gruff voice asked, Amusement tinging his voice.

Before Bailey could say anything Paris spoke up, ''Nah, Bailey's just grumpy''.

I glanced over at the blonde, He was looking a lot better.

He noticed me watching him and gave me a small version of his normal smile.

I smiled back, Leaning into him as we both heard a muffled chuckle from the other side of the phone.

''I see, Well if you can Bailey, We could really use your help down here'' The man said, His amusement seeming to have settled down.

Bailey just grumbled and ended the call, Taking his phone off speaker as he put it away.

Silence filled the room for a bit as we sat there, Just enjoying each others company.

The clock had other ideas on what we should be doing however.


Both Kadin and Paris sighed tiredly at that, A weary look on their faces.

''Work?'' Bailey guessed as Kadin tiredly got up.

''Yep, Getting ready for back to school is never fun'' Kadin muttered, His arms idly stretching above his head.

''And I gotta go make sure Ambrose didn't fu- Mess anything up'' Paris said, Catching himself before he could swear.

Paris leaned over me to give Bailey a quick kiss before he got up.

Kadin just smiled and leaned down to give me a quick kiss on my forehead.

Paris paused and came back to the sofa as Kadin gave Bailey a kiss.

''Almost forgot'' He muttered before quickly pecking me on my lips.

I blushed and smiled up at him, ''Have a good day at work, Both of you'' I whispered happily.

Paris smiled down at me, His hand moving to ruffle my hair.

''Oh you're going to need that luck'' Paris chuckled out teasingly.

''Oh come on, I'm not that bad of company'' Bailey grumbled out in protest.

''Who ever said you were?'' Paris asked, A hint of amused smugness in his voice.

Bailey just grumbled, Pulling me closer so he could bury his face in the back of my neck.

I shivered slightly as his warm breath tickled the soft skin back there.

Paris opened his mouth, About to say something before Kadin walked back in, Already dressed and ready for the day.

''Oh come on! How did you get ready so quickly?'' Paris asked, Moving to try and lean on the shorter man.

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