Chapter 51: Aftermath

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And here comes the fighting. . .And sorrow. . .


Paris stared down at the brown eyed man, Hate and fury in his eyes even as he remained stock still.

They both glared at each other silently, Their bodies tense as a rod.

Suddenly, Ambrose reached up, Batting Paris's hand away from his neck.

That seemed to snap him out of his furious daze.

''No. Hell no.'' He muttered, Backing away as he seemed to try and process this.

I cowered closer to Kadin as Paris ran his fingers through his hair roughly, Moving to pace back and forth in the area he had been before, Muttering something under his breath.

''P-Paris? A-Are you okay?'' I asked nervously as soon as he stopped pacing for a moment.

He slowly turned to face me, His eyes narrowing slightly.

''You knew, You knew didn't you?'' Paris asked quietly as he approached Kadin and I.

I paled, My eyes refusing to make contact with the angry seeming man.

He was silent for a long moment before a broken sounding chuckle came from him, ''So you lied to me. . .'' He muttered suddenly, Making my heart drop.

''I-'' I started to say as my heart clenched painfully.

''You couldn't even tell us about something that effects all of us.'' Paris chided, The disappointment in his voice nearly ripping my heart apart.

''How disappointing'' He grumbled, Moving over to the door and walking out as we all stared in shock.

I felt my throat tighten as my eyes started to burn as I held back tears.

He's disappointed in me?

I started to look down at the bed below me, My tears blurring my vision.

Bailey let out an annoyed sigh before storming out of the bedroom, Shouting for Paris.

I closed my eyes tightly, Trying to stop tears from dribbling out at the thoughts swirling in my head.

I messed it all up. . .

I faintly heard Bailey yelling at Paris from down stairs, I couldn't make out the words but his tone did not seem happy.

Their fighting again because of me. . . I ruined a perfect relationsh-

Kadin's arms wrapped around my waist as he held me closer to himself, His face moving to rest on top of my head as he quietly hushed me.

I turned and buried my face in his chest, Hiding from the world as I tried to ignore the warmth spilling from my eyes and onto his shirt.

''It's going to be alright, This can all be fixed I'm sure'' Kadin whispered quietly into my hair, One of his hands moving to rub circles into my back as I clung to him pathetically.

We wouldn't have to fix anything if I didn't mess up. . .

''That was by far one of the poorest choice of wording I have heard in a long while.'' Ambrose said suddenly, Slight contempt in his voice.

Both Kadin and I turned our attention to him, My face starting burn slightly in embarrassment.

I-I just cried into Kadin's shirt while He was still here. . .

''Stay out of this Ambrose, It's none of your busin-'' Kadin started to scold before Ambrose interrupted him.

''Stone. This is my business now for multiple reasons. So shut your mouth before I shut it for you.'' Ambrose hissed out coldly, Getting to his feet as he spoke.

Kadin held me closer as I watched the brown eyed man wearily.

''Why don't we head downstairs Roux?'' Kadin said, Ignoring the man standing in front of us.

''Oka-'' I started to whisper meekly, Too embarrassed to really think all of this through.

Before I could finish the simple word, Ambrose reached out, Resting his hand on my shoulder firmly.

I stared at him, My heart racing in my chest as my very tired and stressed brain seemingly fitzed out.

''Did you happen to forget who's down there?'' Ambrose asked Kadin, His voice frighteningly quiet and emotionless.

I attempted to back out of Kadin's arms, Starting to feel cornered as Ambrose loomed above the two of us.

''Do you really want to bring Roux down there near Pari-'' Ambrose started to say before Kadin cut him off.

''Stop that. I can tell what you're trying to do and I can tell you it's not going to work.'' Kadin chided, Reaching out and tugging Ambrose's hand off my shoulder.

Both of them paused slightly at the skin contact before Kadin quickly let him go.

''Right than, Roux, Come on, Lets head downstairs.'' Kadin muttered, Turning his attention to me as he stood up.

''Stone-''Ambrose started to say before the door to the bedroom opened.

All three of us stared as Bailey walked in, Grabbed Kadin by the wrist, Than walked right back out, Kadin in tow.

''Uh. . . What'' I muttered quietly, Too caught off guard and distracted by my confusion to even remember the other emotions I was feeling before. 

I blinked a few times before I felt Ambrose lightly rest his hand on my shoulder, Bringing me out of the daze of sorts I was in.

''I-I better go. . .'' I started to say, The emotions I had been dealing with before rushing back like a very sad tidal wave making me just want to curl up under some blankets and hide until the world forgets my very name.

''No, You better stay right here'' Ambrose interjected, Moving to stand right next to me, Causing me to have to look up slightly to make eye contact with him.

''. . . Why?'' I asked, Moving away from his hand.

So far every time we've been around each other something always goes wrong, I for one didn't want Ambrose to have to deal with me messing anything else up.

''Because. . . Paris could yell at you again. . .'' He said slowly, frowning slightly.

''So? I'm sure he has a justified reason. . .'' I said nervously, Slowly moving closer to the door.

I didn't really care if he yelled at me again, The sooner it's out of the way the sooner I can bawl my eyes out and the sooner they can all be disappointed in me.

Might as well go face the music. . . The worst that can happen is they'll hate me. . .

 My heart sunk slightly as I walked out of the bedroom door, Dread welling up inside me.

Pretty sure Paris already does. . .

''No he didn't, He had no right to take his anger with me out on you. . .'' Ambrose muttered from beside me, Making me jump slightly.

He stared down at me sympathetically, Sighing he placed his hand on my shoulder.

''Come on, Lets go face him together I guess'' He muttered with faked exhaustion in his voice.

A small smile formed on my face at his attempt at being dramatic.

Well, Guess we're both gonna get hated. . .


Yeah uh. . . Ambrose is still a sore topic for Paris. . . Any guesses why he blew up at Roux though?

Anyways! Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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