Chapter 8: New bloom

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This is not late and you have no proof other wise.

So! I put out the other book in this universe. . . it's fucked, it's completely fucked.


I felt the bed shift slightly under me before the arms around me pulled me closer to someone's chest, I felt cold panic suddenly race down my spine.

Wait, where am I? oh shit I'm in danger. . .

The arms behind me tightened around me before I felt lips gently kiss my neck, Tingles rushed out from that spot.

I felt a small breath escape my mouth as I remembered where I was, I relaxed back into their embraces, The tension escaping me.

I felt the person in front of me kiss my forehead gently before resting his head on top of mine.

Wait, aren't I supposed to be doing something?

''You guys are going to have to let him go eventually'' A amused voice said, It took me a second before I remembered who it belonged to.

oh shit! I have school today!

I tried to sit up before I was tugged back down by Bailey and Paris's arms, Kadin started to chuckle at that point.

 ''Mmm no. cuddles'' Paris mumbled from behind me before burying his face in the back of my neck.

''B-but school. . .'' I started only to find my face being squished into Bailey's chest.

''Heh, yeah you're not getting out of there, Besides, you're hurt and can skip school today'' Kadin said while moving into my line of sight.

He climbed into the bed and propped himself up over me, This got the atteon of both Bailey and Paris.

With a smile he kissed me on the forehead before turning to Bailey, I felt Paris gently pull me away from the two of them all of a sudden.

I looked back at him, He just smiled at me before looking back at Bailey and Kadin.

They where making out a bit, Bailey seemed to be taking control of the kiss before Kadin turned the tables, Pinning Bailey to the bed while kissing him.

I guess I was pretty caught up in watching the make out session in front of me because I jumped slightly when I felt Paris's lips kiss the nape of my neck gently.

''Maybe we should try and outdo them'' Paris whispered into my ear, causing me to shudder.

He gave me a lop sided smile before moving his lips onto my own, I shut my eyes as tingles erupted from our touching lips.

He slipped his fingers up the sleeve of my shirt and stroked the inside of my elbow gently, I gasped quietly at his touch and felt his tongue slip into my mouth.

I found myself melting under his kiss, He was in no rush based on the way his tongue slowly mapped out the inside of my mouth.

I let out a muted moan as his hands moved to rub at my sides gently, I winced suddenly as his hands grazed over a bruise.

He pulled back and peered down at me worriedly, A quiet clearing of a throat caught both of our attieons and let us know that the others had been watching.

I blushed as Bailey and Kadin both watched us, Kadin with worry and Bailey with interest.

''Paris, go take a shower with Kadin'' Bailey ordered calmly while carefully moving Kadin off himself.

I watched as they both left for the bathroom, Paris hanging onto Kadin's neck.

''Roux.'' I turned around to face bailey, cold nerves coiling inside of me.

''y-yeah?'' I saw out of the corner of my eye he was holding something in his other hand, He patted the bed next to him, his eyes locked with mine.

Wearily I crawled over to his side of the bed, wincing slightly every few seconds as my bruises took attendance.

Soon I was sitting down at his side, He was sitting up and watching me.

He reached out and I flinched back on instinct, He didn't pause or anything he just pulled me closer to himself.

''Take off your shirt roux'' He commanded quietly, His gruff morning voice sounding like a growl.

I found out that you can in fact blush and pale at the same time, He just sighed and pulled my shirt over my head in one swift motion.

I shrunk back closer to the pillows, My ribs where blotched with dark red and purpleish green edged bruises.

I kept my eyes downcast, shame making my face burn and tears edge at the corners of my eyes.

Im too weak, he's going to hate m-

I felt fingers gently brush over my ribs, they showed clearly past my skin seeing as I had little muscle and almost no fat.

I inhaled and froze, His fingers returned to my ribs, a strong minty smelling cream on his finger tips.

He gently rubbed over the bruises with the cream, I hissed quietly before he shushed me.

''I know, but this will help numb the pain'' He murmured gently while rubbing more of the minty smelling cream over the bruises.

Soon, like he promised, the pain in those bruises started to ebb away.

A few minuets later and he had finished rubbing the cream into the bruises that he could see, No matter the pain I was not telling him about the bruises on and around my hips.

He pulled me in a hug while we listened to the shower running, Soon my eye lids where drooping as I snuggled next to Bailey.

I opened my eyes again, it had only felt like a matter of seconds I had dropped off however Bailey had now been replaced with Paris beside me.

I groggily sat up and rubbed at my eyes tiredly, The sun was just starting to peek through the curtains and into the room.

I looked up at Paris, the sun lit up his golden hair, making him look like his head was glowing.

He looked away from the book he was reading and smiled down at me, the sunlight making him squint slightly.

''Morning sleepy head, how are you feeling?'' He asked while brushing a curl out of my face.

''Mmmm'' I grumbles before burying my face in his side, He chuckled and ruffled my hair gently.

I heard the shower shut off, About a minuet later Bailey walked out of the bathroom dressed only in a towel.

My eyes widened at the size of the muscles he had on his chest, I heard a chuckle and started to blush.

Stop staring, its rude!

I buried my face back into Paris's side, I heard Paris hold back snickers as Bailey went about getting dressed.

''Roux, I have work today so Bailey is going to watch you'' Paris said while setting his book on the nightstand.

I let out a hum of acknowledgement before Paris moved out of my grasp.

I kept my eyes screwed shut, A kiss sound told me Bailey and Paris had just said their goodbyes.

Is he dressed yet?

A hand ruffling my hair told me my awnser, I opened my eyes to see bailey in his uniform.

''C'mon kiddo, go take a shower then we can head down to the station'' He said while hold a hand out for me.

With a blush I reached out and took his hand, He helped me off the bed and I walked to the shower from there.

I. . . feel complete 


So this chapter is honestly just fluff, I kinda wanted to remind ya'll that I can write fluff because of what's coming up. . . just. . . don't shoot me okay? Anyways Have a good day/Night and find a better book! - Fallen

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