Chapter 13: Learning time

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Im not late I swear! . . . Okay maybe im a little late


I slowly woke up to the muffled sounds of moans, My sleep blurred eyes stared into the darkness of the bedroom, Trying to comprehend what was going on.

Soon enough my eyes adjusted enough to the darkness to see Kadin and Paris making out with each other.

Oh my. . .

I backed up abit to give them room, Forgetting Bailey was right behind me.

He let out a grumble and tightened his arms around me, I looked up at him as his eyes slowly opened and took in what was happening.

He let out a huff and leaned over me to pull Paris away from Kadin long enough to kiss him, I found myself blushing like crazy as all three of them started to make out.

Kadin must have noticed I was getting nervous because next thing I knew he was wrapping his arm around me as Bailey moved to keep making out with Paris.

''Wanna join in?'' Kadin asked, His grip on me tightening as I almost slipped off the side of the bed.

Before I realized what I was doing I nodded my head, My face flaming bright pink in embarrassment.

He smiled and gently pushed me down to the bed before leaning over me, ''You sure?'' He asked again.

I nodded nervously, Closing my eyes before I felt his lips crash into my own, His tongue slowly started mapping out my mouth.

I quietly moaned into his mouth as his hands traveled up under my shirt, He pulled my shirt up over my head, Only breaking the kiss for a few seconds.

I quietly gasped as I felt his thumb rub over one of my nipples, He pulled back from the kiss long enough to smile down at me.

He moved down and started to suck on one of my nipples as his thumb kept teasing the other one, I whimpered and arched my back, My member starting to throb.

He chuckled and sucked some hickies onto my collar bone, I squirmed beneath him as he kept teasing my sensitive skin.

He pulled back again, This time I opened my eyes and watched as Paris leaned over to kiss Kadin.

They pulled back from each other before the person on top of me switched, Paris rested his hands on my shoulders, Gently holding me down

He started to tease my nipples but our uncolored soulmarks caused my arm to feel like it was on fire from the intimate touches.

A whimper escaped me as I squirmed away from his touches, My member had flagged due to the pain.

He froze, His face turning worried and paniced.

He reached out for me and I flinched away, I have no clue if it would still hurt if he touched me again.

He look so down trodden, I instantly reached out and patted his shirt covered chest.

He stared down at me guiltily, Our staring contest of sorts was broken by a moan from one of the two men still making out next to us.

Paris gently tugged me out of bed and led me downstairs, As we entered the kitchen I glanced at the clock on the stove.


I let out a tired sigh as I sat down on the kitchen bar stools, What a horrid time to be up on a sunday.

I laid my head down on my crossed arms as Paris sat down next to me, ''Im sor-'' I started to say only to be cut off by Paris's lips landing on my own.

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