Chapter 29: Lazy night

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Update day! Yay T-T


We pulled into the driveway after a long drive back home.

The sun was setting, Painting the sky with stunning pastel colors.

I smiled up at the sky before glancing over at Paris.

He was staring at me with a odd look in his eyes.

''D-Do I have something on my face?'' I asked after a while of his staring.

''Yeah, The prettiest of smiles'' He whispered gently.

I blushed bright red as he smiled at me.

''We. . .We better get inside'' I squeaked out, Glancing away from him.

He hummed quietly in agreement, His arm snaking around my shoulders.

I paused for a moment before leaning closer to Paris.

He beamed down at me as I snuggled into his side, His eyes were tired but sparkling with happiness.

''. . . I think Kadin noticed we're home'' He commented after a while.

I looked up at him, Confused.

'What makes you think that?'' I asked quietly.

Im starting to get tired. . .

''I don't know, Just a hunch'' He said, Contained laughter in his voice.

I glanced up at him before following his gaze to one of the windows near the door.

Kadin was standing there, Staring right at Paris.

''His arms are crossed. . .'' I commented quietly.

''Im so dead. . . Wonder what I did wrong'' Paris muttered quietly.

I glanced up at him, He didn't really look scared, More so curious.

He sighed before unlocking the car, ''Time to face the music I guess'' He said quietly.

I nodded and reached into the backseat to pick up Ferris's cage.

Poor little guy was fast asleep.

I followed closely behind Paris as we walked to the door.

Before we could even reach the door handle Kadin pulled the door open, His eyes trained on Paris.

I glanced between the two of them as Kadin closed the door behind us.

''Why did Lucy call and say that Roux got hurt.'' Kadin demanded.

''I had to go back to work early and Roux was nice enough to keep me company'' Paris explained calmly.

Kadin sighed before looking at me, His eyes were filled with worry.

''Did one of the patients bite you?'' He asked worriedly.

. . . He's joking. . . Right?

''No. . . They don't actually do that right?'' I checked, Glancing up at Paris.

He looked away sheepishly, ''Some. . . Might'' He admitted.

My wrist was starting to hurt again, The color of the bruise was pretty dark by now. . .

''What happened then?'' Kadin asked worriedly.

He reached out and gently held my arm so he could look at my wrist.

''I'll explain in a moment, Let me just take him up to Bailey'' Paris reasoned.

Kadin nodded and carefully took Ferris from me, ''I'll put him in the family room'' He assured me.

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