Chapter 99: Little chat

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Back to Roux's Pov. . .


We had spent a long time at the hospital, Once officer Janice had finished questioning me, She had informed Bailey and the rest of us that they'd do their best to find who had hired this hit on me, However she doubted much would come of it right now until more evidence was found.

In the meantime, She advised we head out of town for a bit, Just in case this wouldn't be the last attempt on my life.

To say I was a bit nervous was an understatement.

I was terrified.

Terrified for my safety but also for the safety of my new family and my friends.

Things were just starting to turn around and go right for me, I didn't want it all torn away from. . .

I had four soulmates I was pretty sure loved me, Not to mention a job that I enjoyed and a boss who understands that life's chaotic and is almost always willing to find a replacement recently when I've been unable to come into work.

Add onto that, I had three amazing friends who despite being crack heads were pretty fun, A little sister I had the joy of not having to spend all my time with but still being able to spend time bonding with her. . .

And of course, My angel of an African grey parrot, Despite the fact he wasn't as overprotective of me anymore, He still had saved me so many times, He more than earned the title of Angel.

I wonder if the reason he's been wanting to take Gecko on as a mate all of a sudden is because he feels I no longer need him protecting me constantly now that I have my soulmates. . .

My thoughts were interrupted as we hit a small pothole.

I slowly opened my eyes, The sun was rising in the distance, Its rays of color barely visible through the trees.

We were on our way to a small house out of town that we were planning on staying at until either the group that was searching for me was captured, Or until they just give up.

Sighing, I rubbed at my eyes before stretching as best as I could without hitting the window or Paris who was driving the car right now.

Kadin, Bailey and surprisingly enough, Ambrose, Were driving in another car somewhere behind us.

Paris had insisted we drive together though. . .Just the two of us.

So far he had just been sitting quietly next to me, Focused on the road.

Deciding that I might as well get this over with, I hesitantly turned to stare at the ashy blonde haired man sitting next to me.

''Why. . .Did you want us to drive there. . .Alone. . .Together'' I asked hesitantly, Slowly looking away from him as I spoke.

I could feel him watching me out of the corner of his eye.

''I do believe. . .Before we were attacked, We were talking about why you feel like you don't fit in'' Paris explained slowly, Sounding concerningly calm.

Well that can't be good. . .Right?. . .What is he planning?

''Oh'' I whispered quietly after a while when I realized he was waiting on my reaction to that.

''We have two or three hours to talk before we reach our other home, Perfect for a little chat'' He finished, Glancing over at me briefly as he spoke, Giving me a small, Closed lipped, Lop sided smile.

It was somewhat comforting to see him smile again.

''Um. . .Why, Do you guys even have this second place by the way?'' I questioned, Changing the subject.

Paris arched an eyebrow but played along.

''The house we're going to used to be my home before the three of us decided to buy a house together and live with each other'' Paris explained as he turned off of the road and onto a bustling city street.

''You'll like it, It's a cozy place. . .I think, I haven't visited it in. . .Quite a few years'' He continued, Before getting back on topic.

''So, You said you felt like an outsider in our relationship? Outside of sex that is'' Paris questioned, Bringing us right back on topic.

I shrugged slightly, My face heating up a bit at the topic.

''I just. . .Feel like everyone else is a lot closer to each other than I am. . .That you all. . .Like each other a lot more than you like me. . .'' I admitted slowly, Really unsure how to explain or understand my feelings about this.

Paris was quiet for a moment, Waiting for me to continue before realizing I wasn't going to.

''. . .You have to understand. . .The four of us either have been in a relationship for years, Or have spent time together as co workers for as much time. . .'' Paris started, His voice quiet and gentle.

He's trying to not hurt my feelings. . .

Still, I glanced down at my hands as I nervously twisted them together.

''However, I can assure you though, We all really like, Dare I even say love you'' Paris continued, The last part of what he was saying taking on a somewhat teasing tone as he smiled gently over at me.

I smiled back weakly, Some of my nervousness melting away at his gentle teasing.

''We do care for you, And hopefully over time, We'll grow even closer, Promise'' Paris murmured warmly, His voice lowering and quieting down as my eyes briefly drooped closed.

Apparently the dart I had been shot with was filled with some kind of tranquilizer, Most of it was out of my system by now, But some still remained, Making me feel drowsy.

The only reason I had even been able to remain awake to speak with my kidnappers was because the dart had messed up and delivered the dose in two parts.

I rested my head against the cool window, Watching the buildings slowly pass us by.

''. . .Do you think. . .We'll ever be able to return home again?'' I asked quietly.

Paris was silent for a few more blocks, Just when I was almost fully asleep, He spoke.

''I don't know. . .''


Mmmmmm, Extra update. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen 

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