Chapter 31: (Readers gon kill me)

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Yay update day Q-Q ((Extra long one because I couldn't figure out a good spot to end it at *Chough* Also because you people are really sweet and patient *Cough*))


Kadin and I sat in comfortable silence as he drove us home.

I felt excited honestly, A whole weekend of cuddles and just spending time with the men I love.

''Something on your mind?'' Kadin asked, Amusement in his voice.

I glanced back at him, He briefly glanced fondly over at me.

''Just. . . Can't wait for the weekend'' I admitted quietly, Glancing out the window at the plants rushing past.

I felt his hand gently slip into my own, I glanced over at him as he gently held my hand.

''I know you don't really like people and crowds that much, However, Would you be willing to head out on a picnic with us tomorrow?'' He asked quietly, His thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of my hand.

that. . . Sounds familiar. . .

''You guys will be there right?'' I checked.

He glanced over at me and gave me a gentle smile, ''Won't leave your side'' He promised.

I nodded at his words, ''That sounds ni- '' I started to say before a yawn broke off my words.

Kadin chuckled quietly, ''So cute. . .'' He muttered under his breath.

As soon as we stopped at a red light he unbuckled his seatbelt.

''What are you doing?'' I asked quietly.

He took off his suit jacket, Leaving only his dress shirt on.

''Here, So you can rest'' He said quietly, Draping the jacket over me like a blanket.

I gave him a greatful smile as he put his seatbelt back on.

''Thanks Kadin'' I managed to say before yawning again.

He smiled at me before leaning forwards and kissing my head.

''Sweet dreams'' He murmured before putting his attention back on the now green light.

I smiled fondly over at him as I started to space out.

--- Time skip ---

-* So those who don't like sex. . . You might want to skip the upcoming part, I'll put another one of these things -* *- at the end of the sex *-

I blearily opened my eyes, The quiet muffled sound of moaning waking me up.

I rubbed tiredly at my eyes and looked around.

I was tucked comfortably under the sheets on the bed, The curtains were closed, Making the room rather dark.

Tiredly I stretched out my body, My back arching slightly.

I got up and slowly made my way down the stairs, The quiet moans getting louder the closer I got to the source.

I peered  curiously into the family room, There on the sofa where the others, Busy making out.

Bailey had a half naked Paris held close in his arms, Both of them far too busy fighting for dominance of the kiss to notice anything.

Kadin was lightly kissing Paris on his neck and shoulders, His arms also twined around the taller man.

I moved to be hiding behind the wall again, My face bright red.

Oh. . . That's kinda hot

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