Chapter 55: Blurry

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Yeah, It's no surprise, Roux got sick. . . (Also, I managed to just barely finish this in time! Yay Q-Q )


I blearily stared up at Paris, My vision slightly blurry.

My body was currently feeling like it was melting with how hot it currently was.

He gave me a sympathetic smile as soon as he caught my eye.

''You need to sit up okay?'' He asked, Moving the blanket up as I slowly sat up.

''What's going on?'' I asked, My voice quiet and slightly shaky.

Paris reached out, Gently setting his hand on my forehead.

''Well, Kadin thinks you're sick, So he wanted me to take your temperature'' Paris explained as he held out a thermometer for me.

I nervously accepted it, Setting it under my tongue.

The room felt tense as we both waited quietly for the news.

Please no. . . I don't wanna be sick. . .


We both glanced down at the thermometer before Paris pulled it out of my mouth, Reading the number displayed on the small screen.

He inhaled slowly before moving away from me slightly, ''Alright, You go back to sleep, I'm going to go ask Kadin to make you some chicken noodle soup'' He said as he got up.

''I'm sick?'' I guessed nervously.

He gave me a sympathetic smile, ''Yeah, Just lay back down and rest okay?'' Paris soothed, Reaching out and gently ruffling my hair.

''I'm sorr-'' I started to say only for Paris to cover my mouth gently.

''Roux, Sweetie, Don't apologize for something that's not under your control, Okay?'' Paris said gently, His hand moving back up to gently pat my head.

I nodded shakily, My body starting to feel freezing cold again.

Paris gave me a gentle smile and started to lean in, About to give me a kiss before seemingly remembering that I was sick.

Instead, He gently ruffled my hair again before heading out of the bedroom.

With a tired sigh, I sunk back below the covers, My body shivering as I tried to stay warm.

Why am I a magnet for bad things?

Covering my mouth, I coughed as quietly as I could, Still feeling like I was standing in a cold shower.

Thankfully the little coughing fit subsided as quickly as it came, Leaving me even more tired than before it had started.

I closed my eyes, Hoping that'd at least help my situation a little bit.

My body felt heavy and tired, Soon enough, My world turned black as I drifted off to the hazy and very forgettable fever dreams.

--- Time skip ---

I woke up to someone carefully sitting down on the edge of the bed.

I slowly peeled open my eyes as a hand gently pressed to my forehead.

Bailey was staring down at me with what looked like muted concern, His hair still dripping wet from his morning shower.

''Hey there sweetheart'' He greeted quietly, A weary smile on his face.

''Morning'' I managed to say, My voice surprisingly quiet.

He gave me a small sympathetic smile, His hand moving off of my forehead.

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