Chapter 42: Snapped

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So. . . I got this out on the right day. . .


Paris led me out to the parking lot, His whole body tense as we walked.

I glanced up at him nervously as he unlocked the car, Opening the door for me on his way to his side.

I glanced over at him a few times as we both buckled in, He had that unnerving blank look on his face again.

''Paris? Are- . . . Are you okay?'' I asked timidly, My eyes remained trained on his face.

''I'm fine Roux'' He muttered, His voice clipped and short.

''Oh. . . Okay'' I whispered quietly, My eyes training on my lap as I nervously wrung my hands together.

I felt kinda hurt by the clipped and short tone of his voice, I know he didn't mean to be mean but with how tired I have been lately even him being clipped messed with my slowly fraying emotions.

I felt the warm sting of tears forming behind my eyes, I kept a small fragile smile on my face as I kept my eyes downturned.

There was a tense silence in the car before Paris parked for some reason.

I glanced out the window, Confused.

Why did we stop? We're not home yet. . .

Next thing I knew I felt warm arms pull me close, Hugging me tightly.

I blinked in surprise as I felt Paris sigh, ''I'm sorry I snapped at you'' He murmured, His breath lightly tickling my neck.

I tilted my head back enough so I could see his face, He gave me a small smile before lightly kissing my forehead.

He no longer had that oddly blank look on his face, However he didn't seem fully like himself yet.

''C'mon, We better get back on the road, We don't want the others to worry about us'' Paris reminded me after a while of him just hugging me.

I relented and moved so I was sitting properly in my seat again, Paris started to pull back out of the parking lot only to pause for a moment.

I glanced over at him, Confused until his lips lightly pressed against my own.

I felt my cheeks heat up ever so slightly as he pulled back, He gave me a very small version of his normal smile before pulling out onto the road.

--- Time skip ---

The blank look had returned to Paris's face again as he opened the front door for me.

He didn't say anything after closing the door behind us, Instead he made a bee line for the kitchen.

I frowned and followed behind him, My hands returning to wringing themselves.

Glancing at a clock on the stove I finally noticed the time, 5:00.

Oh, Bailey should be home from work soon. . .

Paris set down the mug he was grabbing far too hard, Making it clink loudly against the counter.

Glancing around I could see that Kadin had yet to return from work, He was having to deal with the fall school kids, The ones who had to do make up classes.

''Paris? You okay?'' I asked timidly, Moving to sit meekly on one of the bar stools.

He sighed, Looking stressed as he rubbed at his temples.

''I'll be fine later'' He assured me, Leaning slightly on the counter.

''What's made you stressed out?'' I asked, Resting my head on my hands as I stared at him.

He gave me a thin smile at that, ''Just Ambrose getting on my nerves'' Paris assured me.

I stared at him as he started to set the coffee to brew, His whole body looked tense, Like a band that was about to snap.

 ''What did he even do to make you hate him this much?'' I asked quietly.

Paris had his back turned to me, His shoulders tense as he slowly set his cup down.

''I don't want to talk about it'' He muttered quietly, His voice cold.

''Bu-'' I started to say only for Paris to turn around suddenly.

''Enough. Stop prying for something I don't want to share. Least of all with you'' He snapped suddenly, His hands clenched furiously into fists.

I felt tears form in my eyes as he stared at me furiously, Paris sighed and turned back around, His body still tense.

''Go upstairs Roux'' Paris ordered quietly, His voice sounding defeated.

I felt a few tears slide down my face, My throat felt like someone was choking me.

I'd never had Paris raise his voice at me before, Least of all actually yell. . .

I paused before leaving the kitchen, Glancing back at him I had a small hope that he'd at least change his mind about making me head upstairs.

He still had his back to me, His whole body tense.

''Go.'' He repeated, His voice clipped and cold.

I stared down at my feet as I hurried to the bedroom, The tears in my eyes making my world all blurry.

As soon as I was in the familiar room I plopped down on the bed, Curling up in the dark as I trembled with barely contained sobs.

My frayed nerves from all the stress and exhaustion finally making me snap, I hugged my knees to my chest as I quietly cried.

I don't know how long I remained curled up, Quietly crying into my knees.

I faintly became aware of the bedroom door opening before someone sat down on the bed behind me.

I opened my eyes, Slowly starting to sit up so I could see who was there.

I felt strong arms circle around me and pull me so I was sitting in his lap.

I squirmed around enough so I could see who was holding me, Although I was pretty sure I already knew who it was.

Sure enough it was Bailey, He gave me a small smile, One of his hands rubbing soothingly at my back.

''Got yelled at by Paris?'' He guessed, Moving so he was resting his head on top of mine.

''I-I just wanted to k-know what was wrong. . .'' I muttered, Staring into the dimly lit room as more warm tears spilled past my eyes.

Bailey sighed, Lightly rocking us back and forth as the hand that had been rubbing my back moved to wipe the tears from my eyes.

''Kadin's on his way home, We'll handle this when he gets here'' Bailey murmured, His breath warm on my head.

''I-I'm. . .I-I'm so sorry'' I squeaked out, Unsure of why Paris was mad but just assuming it was my fault.

Bailey sighed and hugged me tighter, ''Kadin better hurry. . .'' Bailey whispered under his breath.


Sooo. . .Paris can actually get mad, Eh, Well any guesses why he snapped so badly?

Anyways! Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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