Chapter 37: News

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Early update because. . . Reasons


I yawned tiredly, Its was starting to get very late by now.

Paris and I had just been cuddling close to each other while we waited on the others.

''Hmm, Just got a message from Sarah'' Paris muttered out loud.

I moved so I was laying on top of him, ''Was the court date canceled?'' I asked hopefully.

I watched his eyes quickly scan over the screen, The same amount of hope shining in his eyes.

He closed his eyes and sighed tiredly, I frowned as he turned off his phone.

His whole body had gotten tense by this point, ''Paris? Something the matter?'' I asked worriedly.

He set his phone on the bedside table before grabbing me and pulling me so I was fully laying on him.

I let out a startled squeak, My face blushing bright red.

Paris sighed, His breath tickling my neck, Making me shiver.

''P-Paris!'' I squeaked, Pushing myself away from him as best I could while he held me.

He smiled up at me, We stared at each other for a bit before his smile slowly fell.

Before I could ask what the matter was he decided to answer my first question.

''The news could be either good or bad. . . We'll know for sure tomorrow'' He explained.

I frowned, My eyes drifting down to stare at his chest.

The chances of it being good is pretty low I guess. . . I'm doomed. . .

My thoughts were derailed however by the door opening.

Kadin and Bailey both came in, Both of them looked exhausted.

''You guys okay?'' I asked worriedly, Pushing myself up so I could see them easier.

Kadin gave me a tired smile, Bailey just stormed into the bathroom.

''We're fine, Don't worry'' Kadin assured me, Moving to sit next to both Paris and I.

''Um. . .'' I gestured to the closed bathroom door before glancing back to the other two.

Paris sighed before getting up and heading over to the door.

I watched in surprise as he simple opened the door before closing the door behind him.

I glanced over to Kadin, He gave me a soothing smile before pulling me close to his side in a half hug of sorts.

''Did-. . . Did I make him mad?'' I asked quietly, My eyes locked worriedly on the door.

Kadin lightly kissed the side of my head, ''No, He's not mad at you'' He assured me.

Before I could ask why he was upset said man came out of the bathroom, Paris following close behind him.

Paris gave Bailey a look before both of them joined Kadin and I in bed.

''I'm so sorry Roux, I should have reported your bruises as soon as you arrived at our house'' Bailey said guiltily.

He sat beside me while Paris sat next to Kadin, I timidly reached out and patted Bailey arm.

He gave me a confused look, His hand reaching out to hold mine.

''It's okay, I would have been scared if you had'' I admitted.

He looked even more confused but he just shook his head, Sighing.

Before he could say anything Paris butted into our conversation, ''We'll touch on that after this whole court thing, On a side note we have a update from Sarah'' He said at a fairly fast pace.

The others let exhausted sighs, I let out a quiet squeak as Bailey pulled me onto his lap.

''I'm starting to hate your parents even more then I did before'' Bailey muttered, Sounding annoyed.

This is my fault. . . They wouldn't be so upset if I never met them. . . They'd be happy. . .

I could faintly hear Bailey say something along the lines of, ''Paris, He's doing it again, What do I do?''.

I did my best to tune back into reality, ''Just talk to him to him and hold him, Try to draw him out carefully'' Paris explained.

''I-I'm fine, Just. . . Tired, Sorry'' I muttered meekly, My face blushing bright red as they stared at me.

I glanced away from them as they kept staring at me, I heard one of them sigh before Bailey's arms tightened around me.

''You really have been tired lately. . .'' Kadin commented, Staring at me worriedly.

''I-I'm sure it's nothing. . . What was the news Paris?'' I asked, Changing the subject.

Truth be told I was getting worried about how tired I had been lately as well, I wasn't feeling the best if I was to be honest.

''Well, Apparently the court is not to sure about if Roux testifying would be good for his mental health'' Paris explained before getting interrupted.

''So does that mean you have to evaluate him?'' Bailey asked.

Paris gave him a annoyed look before continuing, ''If you would have waited. I would have told you that he is going to be sent to the place I work at for the evaluation but sadly he won't be assigned to me'' He explained.

''W-Who then?'' I asked nervously, My hands trembling slightly.

A memory of Ambrose flashed across my mind. 

I mentally grimaced, My hand straying down to the wrist he had bruised.

My fingers paused as they touched the bandages wrapped around the electric burn wounds on my wrist.

''I'm not sure, But I'm sure they'll pick someone good there, Maybe it'll be Aron'' Paris said, Trying to raise my spirits.

I gave him a small smile before a yawn ambushed me.

Kadin chuckled, A light hearted smile appearing on his face.

''On that note, Good night you guys'' Kadin said, Reaching over Paris to turn off the light.

I squirmed out of Bailey's arms enough so that I could lay under the covers next to him.

I could hear Paris trying to kiss Kadin, ''Paris, I swear if you keep this up I will give you blue balls tomorrow.'' Kadin quietly threatened.

I heard Paris sigh, ''Go to sleep already you two'' Bailey grumbled, Reaching over me to pull Kadin closer.

There was a sigh from Paris before the bed sheets rustled slightly.

''Good night Baily, Kadin, Roux'' Paris said quietly into the darkened bedroom.

''Night you guys'' Kadin whispered back to us.

''Mmm yes, Yes night you guys now go to sleep'' Bailey grumbled.

I smiled into the darkness, My eyes drifting shut.

No matter what this problem brings, At least I'm not facing it alone

''Sweet dreams'' I whispered quietly.


Alright! I'm sure pretty much all of you know who's gonna be dealing with Roux tomorrow (In book time).

Anyways! Like always have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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