Chapter 78: Confusion

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And the Cat Maid costume won the vote thingy. . .Didn't even know that was a costume. . .


I had stayed and helped Kadin out in the kitchen for a while before it was eventually the afternoon.

During said time, Ferris had continued to glare and hiss at the mask Kadin had for his costume.

His feathers were still ruffled even right now as I gently tried petting them back down.

''You really don't like bird shaped masks do you?'' I asked him quietly as he hunched his winged shoulders, Glaring at the mask from under my hand.

Letting out a small huffed chuckle, I picked up the upset bird as carefully as I could.

''Right, Let's get you away from it then'' I murmured to him as he let out a distressed hiss sound.

Carrying him out of the room, I walked towards the family room, Heading for the couch.

Kadin had informed me that Bailey was going to help out with chaperoning the Halloween party once he got off work.

Turns out vandalism rates are much higher on Halloween then during the rest of the week, Meaning the officers in our area had to work even on their day off.

The sound of someone approaching the couch made me turn around to see who was there.

I smiled up at Kadin as he made his way around to sit down on the couch next to me.

Blinking in surprise, I stared down at the rice crispy treat Kadin held out for me.

''Thank you for helping me make the treats for the party, I wouldn't have gotten nearly enough of them done in time without you'' Kadin said as I accepted the treat from his hands.

''Just don't let that spoil your lunch'' He said, Ruffling my hair as he got up.

Smiling happily, I bit into the chewy treat, Breaking off a bit of it with my fingers to offer to Ferris.

The sulking bird accepted it from me, Munching on it as he continued to sulk.

I smiled around the treat I was munching on, Happily watching the little grey bird start to cheer up a bit.

''That mask really rattled you huh?'' I asked him quietly as he continued to munch on his treat, Holding it tightly in his little talons.

He let out a small chirp of agreement, Briefly glancing up at me, A bit of the rice crispy marshmallow mixture hanging from his beak.

I was about to point it out for him when the sound of the front door opening caught my attention.

Leaning my head back slightly, My eyes snapped to the door.

I felt safe here, But I still didn't really like not knowing who all was near me.

''Roux? Where are you?'' Paris asked as soon as he stepped foot inside the house, Holding a bag in one hand.

I raised my hand in greeting, Mid bite of the treat.

Smiling, Paris moved over to the couch, Standing behind me now.

''Here, Go change into this and whatever you do, Don't let Kadin see it'' Paris whispered to me as he took Ferris from my hand.

Ferris's feathers stood up on end at that before he started to flap his wings, Unable to bite at the offending man thanks to the marshmallow fluff keeping his beak stuck together.

I cautiously nodded, Getting up and heading to the bathroom, Curious to see what was inside and a bit concerned at the same time.

Staring blankly into the bag, I blinked before slowly sitting down on the ground.

Cat ears? and. . .Lace?

Frowning in confusion, I slowly pulled out the. . .Maid costume by it's hanger, Unsure if I should actually touch the pretty white and black laced item.

Did Paris grab the wrong costume?

I slowly pulled out the pair of cat ears that surprisingly matched my hair.

. . .He didn't grab the wrong costume. . .Did he. . .

Reluctantly, I pulled out the rest of the items.

There was the maid dress that looked like it'd reach my knees, Stockings that thankfully would reach my thighs, A reddish brown cat tail connected to a belt and a head band with cat ears on it.

Frowning, I stared at it, Not fully sure why Paris had picked this.

Sighing heavily, I decided the best thing to do is to get this over with so I can ask why I'm doing this.

--- Time skip ---

It had taken me a while to put the maid outfit on.

I had never worn a dress before, The first thing I noticed was that it was a pain to put on.

All the straps and lace and ruffles made me very confused which limbs I was supposed to put where.

At least it's airy. . .

I tugged down slightly at the bottom edge of the dress, A little embarrassed about how small the 'skirt' like part was.

Thankfully, The stockings weren't nearly as hard to put on.

Staring into the mirror in the bathroom, I could feel and see my face heating up.

It looked cute. . .But so freaking embarrassing. . .

Inhaling, I reached out for the bathroom door, Slowly opening it as I summed up my courage.

''P-Paris?'' I called out, My voice breaking on the first word.

I'm. . .Regretting this. . .

Before I could head back into the bathroom and reconsider my course of action, Paris rounded the corner, A few band-aids on his hands now.

He and I stared at each other for a moment before a slight red-ish pink tint started to form on Paris's face.

He looked away from me as I stared at the ground, My face burning with embarrassment.

''You look. . .Very cute'' Paris said slowly, His voice a little huskier than normal.

''C-Can I go take this off?'' I asked quietly, My voice wobbling slightly out of embarrassment.

''I mean. . .I'm not about to complain if you do, However, You might not wanna do that in front of the windows'' Paris pointed out, His words instantly making my already burning face heat up ten fold.

I stared at him for a moment, My brain blanking for a moment as my brain started to melt out of embarrassment.

''I-'' I started to squeak out before the front door opened.

Pairs and I both looked over at Bailey as he paused in the doorway.

He took one look at both of us before sighing tiredly and taking a step back.

''I don't even want to know what's going on here'' He muttered before closing the front door.

Oh. . .Oh no.  . .


And this means next chapter (Hopefully) will be the Halloween party! (Yes, Roux still will be wearing his 'costume')

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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