Chapter 89: Embarrassment

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Kadin's mood hadn't improved at all during school today, Not surprising, School rarely cheered people up after all.

Despite that, School was rather un-eventful. 

Liz caused a small explosion in the science class room, Thankfully no one was really hurt.

Reese snuck a hurt snake he was caring for into school and ended up scaring a poor boy to the point of fainting, He was allowed to leave school to take the snake back home.

Jason was actually skipping school today because Brook was sick.

To quote Liz 'Our little baby brother has finally grown some balls!'.

Sighing, I leaned on the doorframe to the entrance of school.

School had been out for a while now, However, Kadin was staying late to help a kid with her schoolwork.

I felt sorry for the poor girl who needed assistance.

Kadin had called Bailey to come pick me up that way I could head home and get some rest.

As it was, I was staring out into the parking lot, Watching the leaves on the trees slowly fall one by one.

Slowly, A truck pulled into the parking lot.

My heart happily skipped a beat as I recognized the man driving the truck.

Stepping out of the school, I headed towards the parking lot, My backpack held tightly in my arms.

Bailey parked not too far away from me before un-locking the doors.

''Hey, Sorry for the trouble'' I said as I hopped up into the passenger seat.

Bailey locked the doors as soon as I was safely inside.

''It's not a trouble, Its best that you don't have to walk home'' He informed me as he reached out, Gently cupping my face with his hand.

I smiled slightly, Grateful that he was taking what I saw seriously and wasn't taking risks.

''So. . .How was your day?'' I asked hesitantly.

Bailey smiled slightly before leaning forwards and gently pressing his lips to mine.

''Let's not talk about my day, I rather leave work at work'' He stated simply before letting me go, Turning his attention back to the parking lot.

So. . .Not a good day. . .

I turned my attention forwards too, The silence in the car was the peaceful silence that didn't need breaking.

--- Time skip ---

The sun was almost fully set by the time we made it home.

''We're having pancakes for dinner tonight'' Bailey informed me as I hurried to keep up with him.

''Paris isn't home yet?'' I guessed.

Both Bailey and Kadin tended to agree with each other that breakfast items are great for dinner too, Paris is the one who encourages them to not cook breakfast items for every meal.

Bailey gave me a small smile as he let us both inside.

''He knows what happens when he comes home late, He made a choice'' Bailey pointed out, Sounding amused before his phone rang.

He picked up the call, Nodding along to whatever the person on the other side was saying.

While he was distracted, There was a knock on the front door.

Instead of going straight to the door, I glanced back at Bailey.

He had paused and was also staring at the door.

''I gotta go, I'll call you back'' He muttered quietly before hanging up and approaching the door.

I stuck close to his side, Equally on edge as he appeared to be.

As the door opened, We were thankfully greeted by a intrigued looking Liz.

''Yo, Your bird managed to escape again'' She informed me, Holding out a sulking Ferris towards Bailey and I.

I could feel him relax beside me as he moved back from the door.

''He really seems to like Gecko'' Liz said, Seemingly offhandedly.

I could tell by her tone that she was trying to give me a hint.

She had always thought that their little relationship was adorable.

''I take it they didn't want to leave each other?'' I guessed as I accepted Ferris from her.

''No they didn't. . .It seemed kinda cruel to take them away from each other. . .'' She added, Knowing I had caught onto her scheme.

I smiled slightly as she held her hands out towards me.

''Just. . .Give him back to me sometime soon please'' I requested, Amused at the excited chirp Ferris let out, The little grey bird having been only acting sad.

Liz, Ferris and I said our goodbyes before I closed the door, Turning my attention back to Bailey.

Said man was listening to something on his phone, His hand over his eyes.

Is he talking with Kadin?

Glancing down, I could feel my face warm as I spotted a familiar bulge in his pants.

. . .He's not talking to Kadin. . .

I made sure to look anywhere except Bailey as I tried to figure out how I was supposed to respond to this situation.

I could just pretend I didn't notice his problem. . .But. . .He's never really ignored my problems. . .So it wouldn't exactly be fair.

Hesitantly, I approached him as he pulled his phone away from his ear, Frowning down at it as he did something to whatever he was listening to.

''. . .Pairs is in big trouble when he gets home.'' Bailey grumbled out as I stopped in front of him.

I cleared my throat quietly, Catching his attention as he removed his hand from over his eyes.

''You uh. . .I take it whatever he said was. . .His normal level of. . .You kinda have a. . .'' I rambled on, Unable to decide what I should say.

He glanced down before sighing, Pinching at the bridge of his nose.

''So I was right. . .'' He muttered under his breath before reaching out to rest his hand on my head.

I peered up at him through the curls that had fallen down over my eyes.

''I'll be back'' He said, Sounding apologetic as he started to move away from me.

Reaching out quickly, I caught his arm, Making him pause.

''I. . .If you want I could help you with your. . .You know what'' I said awkwardly, Staring intently at the very interesting floor below.

I stared a hole into the floor as silence filled the hallway.

Before I could regret my words enough to take them back, Bailey let out a sigh.

''Alright'' He sighed out, Not sounding too excited.


:) Nsfw being next chapter. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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