Chapter 35: Parents. . .

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Update day T-T


Paris had to deal with some of the patients at his work and Bailey was busy contacting their parents.

So Kadin and I were spending the day together.

''Can we stop by the vet's?'' I asked, Looking over at him.

''Want to check on Ferris I take it?'' He guessed, Pausing the show we weren't really watching.

I nodded, Sitting up enough to look up at him.

He smiled down at me, ''You know, it'll be nice to spend some together'' He mused.

I smiled happily up at him before getting up, ''Think it's cold out?'' I asked, Making my way over to the front door.

This October was rather weird, Weather wise that is.

Sadly the season can't seem to make up it's mind on the temperature, A few days ago it was perfect weather however today. . .

I opened the front door just enough to be able to stick my hand out.

It was rather nippy out, Not too unpleasant but still colder then summer or spring.

I shivered and pulled my hand back in, Well at least the weather seems to be back on track. . .

''Cold out?'' Kadin guessed, Draping a jacket over my shoulders.

''Yeah. . . At lest the weather's made up it's mind. . . I hope''  I stated absently.

Kadin sighed and looped a arm around my waist, ''One can only hope'' He said before glancing back into the house.

''We're heading out guys! We'll be back soon!'' Kadin called back into the house before closing the door behind us.

''Can. . .Can we walk there?'' I asked hesitantly.

He smiled down at me, Moving to hold my hand.

''That sounds lovely Roux'' He said, A almost fond note in his voice. 

I smiled up at him as we made our way to town.

''Hey Kadin? How long have you known the others?'' I asked, Kinda wanting to learn more about them.

''Hmm lets see. . . I've known Paris for around nine years now'' He mused, Seeming slightly surprised by that fact.

''Bailey I've only known for eight though'' He continued.

I tilted my head to the side slightly.

Huh. . . What in the world could have happened to allow them to meet?

Sighing I decided to skip the whole beating around the bush thing and just ask the question.

''How'd you guys meet?'' I asked, Nervously tugging at the bottom edge of my shirt.

. . .That was far too blunt. . . Oh gosh I hope I didn't offend him. . .

He smiled down at me, His grip on my hand tightening slightly in a attempt at comfort.

''I'm afraid that's hardly a. . . Good topic to talk about. . .'' Kadin said hesitantly, The smile slowly fading from his face.

Shoot, I knew I shouldn't have asked, Now I've gone and messed up. . . Like usual. . .

I felt the familiar tight feeling of nervousness in my chest, ''I-''

Kadin released my hand, Stopping suddenly to pull me into a hug.

''Hey, It's okay sweetie, You did nothing wrong'' He assured me, Gently tilting my head up so we were facing each other.

He smiled down at me, A small bit of the sadness still hiding in his face.

I opened my mouth, About to apologize only for Kadin to lightly kiss me.

''You did nothing wrong'' He assured me again, Slowly moving back so we were standing beside each other again.

He glanced away from me, His eyes lighting up for a moment.

He guided me over to a bench, ''I'll be right back'' He assured me before going over to a nearby food truck.

I watched him, Confused.

What's he doing. . .

He kept glancing back at me, making sure I was alright.

I looked up at the tree above me after a leaf fell onto my arm.

The lovely orange red and brown blotted tree was quite pretty, The faux cobwebs on it giving it a cute attempt at fear.

A cup being held in front of me drew my attention back to Kadin, ''What. . .'' I asked, Confused before glancing into the cup. . . Of cocoa.

He smiled down at me gently, ''Shall we go?'' He asked, Offering his arm for me as I timidly sipped at the hot drink.

--- Time skip ---

The doctor had let us see Ferris for a short bit, He was looking a lot better.

She said we could most likely take him home in two or three days.

I was tired by this point, We had spent a good portion of the day visiting Ferris.

The sun was actually starting to lower in the sky, Making me assume it was late.

Kadin smiled over at me sympathetically, ''Do you want me to carry you?'' He offered.

My face blushed bright red in embarrassment at the thought, ''N-No thank you'' I stuttered out.

 He just grinned before looking up, ''Oh boy. . . Bailey's parents really got here quickly. . .'' He muttered.

I followed his gaze and sure enough there was a rather large truck parked in the drive way.

I glanced over at him nervously, Trying to guess what they are like by his expression.

He seemed fairly happy. . .

Guess they can't be that bad. . .

I stuck close to Kadin as he opened the door, The sound of voices clued me in as to where they were.

Kadin glanced down at me and gently ruffled my hair in a almost soothing manner.

I followed behind him as he headed for the kitchen.

There were three new people in the kitchen, One lady with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

On her left was a man who was only slightly taller then me, He had mousy brown hair and light blue/green eyes.

I frowned slightly, Pressing closer to Kadin as my eyes landed on the last man.

Standing next to Bailey was a man who looked like a older version of Laszlo.

He had light brown hair shaved in a army hair cut. . . And he was wearing a uniform. . .

That's odd. . .


Alright, Now we've met Bailey's parents, Any guesses why Laszlo and Bailey's dad look like copies of each other? (And for once it's not cause im too lazy to make a new character), Like always have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

(Edit: I just noticed I forgot to post this, Sorry it's late T-T )

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