Chapter 32: Blackness. . .

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So just. . . Just don't kill me. . . Things should be uphill after this chapter. . .(For a while)


The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the cold metal cuffs on my wrists and ankles.

''Mornin' lil' bird'' Adonis drawled out cheerfully.

My eyes widened as he moved to lean over me, His hands were covering mine on the weird contraption I was cuffed to.

He grinned crazily down at me before moving away to keep setting up whatever he was setting up.

I glanced around, Standing a ways away from all of us was Lucy and some strange dressed up man.

My eyes locked with Lucy's.

''Well, Well, Look who's finally awake'' She said cheerfully, Moving to stand in front of me.

''Why?'' I asked her quietly, Staring up at her with a betrayed look.

She smiled gently, Moving to ruffle my hair.

I was starting to feel dirty again for some odd reason.

''Aww sweetie, You need not worry about why, Just be happy you're going to have someone who deserves you'' She said cheerfully, Not really answering my question.

Before I could say anything else I felt tape being placed over my mouth, ''Sorry lil' bird, As much as I love yer voice yer gonna need this for what's to come'' Adonis said, His voice almost sounding like he was sorry.

I stared up at him with a pleading look, Silently begging him to let me go.

He just reached down and ruffled my hair, ''Things will be right soon'' He muttered before moving over to a identical chair next to the one I was cuffed to.

I looked up, Noticing a few more people in the room now, Some guys had guns, Most notably was a guy with a gun pointing said gun at a guy in a lab coat.

He looked over at me apologetically before flipping a few switches.

Before he could hit the last switch, The sound of wing beats filled the large plane hanger like room.

Adonis got up as looked around confused.

''Wha-'' Before he could even finish that word a blur of angry grey and red dived right at his face.

Ferris's screech filled the air as he swooped around the room, A blur of feathers, claws and a sharp beak.

There were screams and cries of pain from the people around the room as Ferris clawed and teared at their flesh.

''Oh for fucks sake!'' Lucy snapped, Grabbing one of the men's guns.

My eyes widened in horror as she took aim and shot at Ferris.

I wanted to scream as I watched as Ferris fell from the sky mid swoop.

''There. Problem solved.'' She grumbled, Moving back to standing next to the dressed up man.

I heard people moving around, Most of them whimpering in pain from Ferris's attacks.

My eyes remained trained on my sweet little bird, His tiny feathered body was slumped down in a pile on the floor.

Please. . . Please don't die. . . Please. . .

My heart skipped a beat as I watched Ferris slowly get up, He was bleeding from a wing but other then that he seemed okay.

He locked eyes with me, Determination shining in his little black eyes.

'Will get help.'

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