Chapter 81: The party

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Back to Roux's Pov!


''You have no clue, No clue what so ever how cute baby goats are, And how bastardly the adult one are'' Reese continued excitedly.

Turns out, He had spent the recent week after the court date at his grandpa's farm, Helping out with all the animals.

He just got back and was giddy and filled with stories.

Jason had hung out with us for a while before having to head back home with Brooke due tot he fact it was late and she was tired.

It was good to see Brooke again, She was looking a lot better and seemed a lot happier too.

I had hung out with her for a while, She was happy to see me, She had a few stories to tell as well.

It was nice, The only sad thing was that Liz couldn't make it. . .

Well, It really wasn't that she couldn't, More so that she didn't want to.

She had texted me like half way through the party saying she couldn't make it seeing as she managed to convince her girlfriend to re-match her in twister.

I for one didn't really want to know how that was most likely going to end.

''Alright, It's getting close to midnight, Time for everyone still here to head home'' Kadin informed the ten or so people still here.

Smiling tiredly, I turned my attention back to Reese.

''Planning on heading home?'' I asked, A small hint of fond-ness hiding in my voice as I spoke.

''Yeah, I should have headed to bed a while ago, I'm supposed to meet with that officer I met at the courthouse'' Reese explained before pausing to cover a yawn.

''How is that going by the way?'' I asked, Walking beside him as we both made our way to the adults waiting near the back of the gym.

I could see him tilting his head down slightly, His hand reaching up to rub nervously at his neck.

''It's. . .Nice? Eric is really sweet and all but I'm a bit worried. . .I might be taking all of this. . .Too fast?'' Reese admitted quietly, Sounding a bit nervous as he spoke.

I arched my eyebrow, Looking at him in concern and confusion.

''I mean, I don't want to go too fast and mess things up. . .'' Reese quietly muttered, Sounding genuinely worried.

''Reese, Who's setting the pace in your relationship?'' I asked quietly, Purposefully slowing down my walking speed so it'd take longer to get to the adults.

I held back a small amused laugh as I watched him instantly look at anything except me.

''W-What do you mean by. . .Setting the pace?'' Reese asked, His voice breaking slightly.

I rolled my eyes at that, A bit of heat starting to form on my face as I had a guess what he was alluding to.

''I mean, Who is picking the pace at which your relationship is growing'' I asked, Poorly wording the question.

Reese shrugged slightly, ''I guess it's Eric. . .Why?'' Reese asked.

We were getting closer to the adults, Meaning we'd need to end our conversation soon.

''Because, If he's setting the pace then that means he's okay with how fast things are going, You're doing things right, You're not going to scare him away because you're awesome'' I assured the other boy quietly, My explanation rushed slightly seeing as we were almost within ear shot of he adults.

Reese gave me a small un-certain smile at that, His attention turning to the people in front of us.

''Guess we'll just have to see huh. . .'' Reese muttered quietly before Paris approached us.

''C'mon Roux, We better get home, It's very late'' Paris muttered, A tired yawn hiding in his voice as he gently looped an arm around my waist.

I leaned into the taller man slightly as I gave Reese a 'bye' wave.

He rolled his eyes but smiled anyways as he waved bye as well, Heading over to where his mom was waiting.

''Hey, Where did Bailey go?'' I asked quietly, Noticing now that the tall man was missing.

''He left for home hours ago, Right around nine I think'' Paris explained, A hint of concern in his voice.

I blinked, Rubbing slightly at my eyes before giving Paris a tired smile.

''Sorry, I was trying to catch up with my friends. . .'' I muttered apologetically, Feeling a little guilty for not paying any attention to my boyfriends during the party.

Paris chuckled quietly before leaning down and placing a kiss on my forehead.

''Don't be sorry, You've all been busy and haven't had a lot of time to catch up, Correct?'' Paris checked, At my nod, He continued.

''You have every right to chat with your friends, There is no need to feel sorry about that'' Paris assured me, Amusement and a look of fondness in his eyes.

I hid another yawn behind my hand before we made it to Kadin.

''Paris, Had Bailey texted you yet?'' Kadin asked, Concern lacing his voice.

''Nope, Why?'' Paris asked as Kadin moved to gently readjust Bailey's jacket.

The thing was still too big on me and it kept trying to fall off of my shoulders.

''He's been home for multiple hours now and we haven't heard a word from him, You don't think he's hurt or something, Do you?'' Kadin asked, Starting to worriedly fuss over my outfit as his concern seemed to be growing.

Seeing Kadin concerned started to make me concerned as well.

He could have gotten into a car crash. . .Or gotten shot. . .Or passed out. . .Well. . .That last one wasn't as bad but still. . .

I glanced at Paris worriedly, Said man looked un-fazed. . . On the outside that is. . . His eyes held a note of concern though.

''He's a responsible adult, He's fine I'm sure'' Paris assured, Resting his hand on Kadin's shoulder as he spoke.

''Still. . .We better get home. . .Just in case'' Paris continued before any other concerns could be voiced.

Kadin nodded before placing his hand on the small of my back, Leading me outside as the rest of the kids and their parents headed out as well.

Still. . .Why hasn't he called? What is he doing?


:) Gee. . .Wonder what he's doing. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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