Chapter 43: Cozy

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:T Well now. . . This is late as always


The time seemed to tick by slowly, Bailey was still holding me close, However his whole body was tense by now.

It was still clear however that he was trying to comfort me, The simple intention actually made me feel a little better.

My tears had settled down by now, All that was left was a feeling of emptiness and a few sniffles.

Bailey was still gently rubbing my back in a attempt to soothe me when we both faintly heard the front door open.

I heard Bailey sigh in relief, His arms loosening around me.

There was a long wait before the door to the bedroom finally opened.

Kadin poked his head in, Confusion and a bit of worry on his face.

''Hey, I heard something happened'' Kadin said gently, Flicking the light on as he stepped into the bedroom.

''Paris yelled at him'' Bailey explained bluntly.

''Ah, I see'' Kadin muttered, Moving so he could sit down beside us.

As soon as Kadin sat down Bailey gently nudged me over to the other man.

''I'm going to have a word with Paris, You two go get changed'' Bailey muttered, Getting up and heading downstairs.

Kadin gave me a small smile, His arms moving to wrap around me in a hug.

''C'mon, It's getting late and I'm sure you've had a long day'' Kadin said quietly, His head resting on top of mine as he hugged me close.

''I'm fine now'' I whispered quietly, Leaning back into the hug.

I enjoyed the feeling of fitting like a puzzle piece between Kadin's arms, It just felt. . . Safe.

I felt Kadin gently pat me on my thigh before moving back.

''Come on, Lets go take a shower then we can go to bed'' Kadin reasoned, Lightly pulling me off the bed and attempting to guide me to the bathroom.

I nodded along before my brain caught up with what he said.

Wait, Don't some people have sex in the shower. . .

I felt my whole face flush bright red at that, Kadin must have noticed because he glanced over at me, Confused.

''What's the matter?'' Kadin asked, Moving so he was facing me.

I absently noticed that he had already gathered some clothes and towels for us during the time it took me to notice the implications of this.

''I just- Don't some people have. . . You know what in the shower. . .''I squeaked out, My face feeling like it was about to combust.

Kadin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a moment before his eyes widened in understanding.

''Oh, No of course not!'' Kadin said quickly, His face starting to blush as well.

I could feel the mutual embarrassment in the air, Neither of us making eye contact.

I rubbed nervously at my neck before Kadin lightly cleared his throat.

''C'mon'' Kadin called, Holding out his hand for me.

Keeping my eyes down I followed him, Blushing brightly all the while.

--- Time skip ---

I leaned in close to Kadin as we were drying off, I was starting to shiver as the warmth of the shower wore off.

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