Chapter 95: :>

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Roux Pov still. . .


When I woke up again, I was snuggled close to Paris in bed.

Looking up, I saw Kadin was fast asleep still a little ways away from me in bed, His arms loosely looped around my shoulders.

Paris wasn't so loose with his grip, His arms tightly wrapped around my waist as I was slowly getting close to being crushed.

I squirmed around a bit, Managing after a moment to get free from both men's grips.

Looking around as Paris grumbled in his sleep, I was somewhat surprised to not see Bailey anywhere in the bedroom.

Slowly getting up out of bed, I wandered downstairs, Looking for the black haired man.

Peering into each room, I was surprised to find Ambrose seemingly passed out in one of the chairs in the family room, A warm blanket draped over him as he slept.

Despite my searching, I didn't find Bailey anywhere.

Concern was starting to form in my heart.

Where is he? He's never been gone this early in the morning. . .

I worriedly tugged at a few strands of my hair, Looking around a second time for him, As if I just overlooked him like someone would a pen or an important piece of paper.

Still nothing.

''What in the-. . .'' A gruff morning voiced Ambrose started to ask as my movement seemed to have woken him up.

He dragged a hand down his face, Scrubbing briefly at his eyes before seemingly realizing he didn't have his glasses on.

I watched as he fumbled to find and put on his glasses.

When he managed to knock his glasses off the coffee table, I decided to help him.

Stepping carefully closer to him, I picked them up, Being careful to grab the glasses by the wire bit in the middle, Not wanting to touch the actual glass.

I handed it to him as he grumbled out a quiet 'thanks'.

Once he had his glasses on, A look of confusion passed over his face as he looked around.

''Kadin and Paris are upstairs. . .I don't know where Bailey is though. . .'' I explained as Ambrose got up slowly from the chair, Grimacing at his most likely sore muscles.

Groaning, Ambrose nodded slightly, Wincing when he moved wrong.

''Are you okay?'' I asked quietly, Concerned for him.

Did he get hurt last night? Did something happen after I fell asleep?

''Yeah, Ahm fine, Just. . .Sore'' He mumbled tiredly, Scrubbing slightly at his eyes with his hand before looking around again.

''You wouldn't happen to know what time it is do you?'' He questioned after he failed to find a clock.

''It's like six am. . .Why?'' I questioned, Confused.

Does he have work this early in the morning?. . .The sun's not even up yet. . .

He sighed before slowly nodding.

''Right. . .I better be getting home. . .'' Ambrose muttered, Stumbling slightly as he made his way to the door.

''Do you have to? I don't think anyone would mind you staying over'' I pointed out, Moving over to sit down on the couch.

He just sighed, Shaking his head slightly.

''I've got to go take a shower before work, I'm not about to take one here'' He explained, Still seeming very tired.

Before we could continue this conversation any further, Kadin came down the stairs, Looking concerned and tired.

''Roux? Oh thank goodness'' Kadin sighed out as soon as his eyes landed on me, Seeming to calm down.

''Morning Kadin'' I greeted, Moving over to hug Kadin as he approached Ambrose and I.

He embraced me, Holding me close for a moment before letting me go.

''. . .Is something the matter Stone?'' Ambrose asked slowly, Confusion in his eyes.

I glanced from Ambrose to Kadin, Just now starting to notice the slight concern in Kadin's eyes.

Kadin hesitated, Not answering Ambrose's question right away.

Concern started to form inside me.

Where is Bailey?. . .Is Kadin being worried linked with Bailey being gone?

Deciding that the only way to figure this out was to ask, I wrapped my arms back around Kadin, Distracting him.

''Kadin? Where's Bailey?'' I asked as soon as I had his attention.

He was silent for a moment before sighing, Gently resting his hand on my head before speaking again.

''Bailey's. . .Down at the police station, Remember that car that had been watching our house a while ago?'' Kadin started as he released me, Letting me take a step back.

I could see a startled expression form briefly on Ambrose's face at that little bit of information.

''Okay hold on, Why are you two being so calm about being what. . .Stalked?'' Ambrose questioned, Placing a hand on my shoulder as he moved to stand beside me.

Kadin was about to answer him when Paris slowly trudged down the stairs.

He looked half asleep still. . .That is until his eyes landed on us.

''Hey. . .What's going on in here?'' He questioned as he approached us, Leaning on Kadin as soon as he reached him.

''I was explaining to the others what happened this morning'' Kadin said simply as if that explained anything.

Based upon the look of understanding from Paris, It did explain something.

Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around myself in a self hug, Starting to feel a bit left out, Like an outsider in all of this.

The feeling of someone gently squeezing my shoulder drew my attention up to Ambrose.

He carefully reached his other hand down, Moving my arms so I was no longer holding myself in a death grip.

''Might I remind you, You still haven't explained to us what happened or why you all are so calm about being stalked'' Ambrose pointed out as he released me, Both his hands moving to rest on my shoulders.

Paris looked up at that before shrugging, Speaking over Kadin.

''Bailey noticed the car outside our house again, This time with another one, He grabbed his gun and went out to speak with them'' Paris started bluntly explaining it before a very loud knock on the door made all of us jump.

Slowly, Everyone turned to stare at the front door, The room suddenly silent enough that one could hear a pin drop.

What normal person would be knocking on a door at this hour?. . .



Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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