Chapter 100: New home, New life

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Ambrose Pov. . .


It was a bit jarring to see Paris's old place again.

The last time I had been here was when I caught Andrew cheating on me with a certain blonde. . .

Somewhat ironic how I ended up being soulmates with the very man who my boyfriend had cheated on me with.

The place in front of us wasn't the same as the place from my memory, Not anymore at least.

The lawn and plants were still the same, Perfectly tended to somehow.

But the house itself showed it's ware.

The paint which had at one point been a dark royal blue was now faded and patchy, Some parts of the building lacking paint now all together.

Bird nests lined the windowsills and cobwebs covered the door and the porch.

''Woah. . .We. . .Really should have checked in on this place more often'' Kadin muttered as he and I approached Paris and Roux.

''At least the lawn care service has been doing their job. . .Last thing we need is tall, Tick infested grass. . .'' Bailey comment, Resting a hand on my hip as he spoke.

I inhaled sharply in surprise, His hand's warmth seeping in through my shirt.

Bailey arched an eyebrow at that, Looking down at me as the others chatter about what needed to be done.

''You alright?'' He questioned, Leaning down so he was whispering right next to my ear as he spoke.

Shivering, I reached up and slowly pushed him away from my face.

''Bailey. Personal space.'' I hissed out quietly to him.

He blinked slowly before slowly backing away.

''Bailey!'' Paris called out, The tone of his voice implying me had called said man a few times already.

I glanced back towards them, A bit embarrassed to see all three of them were watching us with varying expressions.

Kadin looked somewhat sympathetic, Paris of course, Looked amused and Roux?. . .He was staring at the ground right next to me.

''. . .Um. . .Kadin? Is. . .That a snake?'' He asked, Making my heart skip more than a few beats.

My eyes snapped down to the ground, My heart racing as I stumbled away from the concerningly large grey scaled snake in the grass right next to where I had been standing.

''Bailey. . .Bailey! Don't approach it!'' Paris scolded as Bailey gently grabbed onto my shoulders, Moving me out of the way so he could approach the snake.

I stared in shock as he grabbed it both at it's middle and right behind it's head with both of his hands.

He took it over to the rather large forest behind the house, Tossing the poor reptile like a frisbee as it tried to bite him.

''Bailey? You okay?'' Roux questioned quietly when the brown eyed man returned to our little group.

The others had regrouped with us again, Kadin standing next to me as Paris stood close behind Roux.

''Oh'' I whispered quietly in surprise as Kadin rested his hand on my back, Paris, Bailey and Roux were chatting quietly with each other as I turned my attention to the honey eyed man beside me.

''You alright? You looked pretty scared'' Kadin murmured, Gently rubbing slightly at my back, My shoulders relaxing slightly under his hand.

''I'm alright, I just wasn't expecting that'' I assured quietly, Taking a small step to the side so he'd remove his hand from my back.

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