Chapter 12: Not a friend!

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So this chapter starts off where the other one ended so no time skips over Adonis's creepiness! Oh and sorry this is late again, Why ya'll still stay I have no clue


What the hell?

He pushed off of the front counter and approached me, His pressed suit tightening in flattering places as he reached up to rest his arm on the shelf near my head, Caging me in.

''W-what are you d-doing here?'' I squeaked out, Curling in on myself slightly to make myself smaller.

''Can't I just come to see you my little bird?'' He drawled out, A easy smirk crossing his face.

''S-Sir, This is hardly professional'' I squeaked out, Pressing backwards until I felt the hard edge of the shelf digging into my back with a vengeance.

''Now who said I wanted to be 'professional' lil' dolly'' He murmured, His face inches away from my own.

I Swallowed thickly, My eyes pressed shut tightly.

My silent resolve snapped when Adonis rested a hand on my hip, My eyes snapped open and locked with his own.

He smirked only to have me push him away with all my strength, He backed up, A lazy smirk on his face as he watched me.

My face burned with a mix of shame and embarrassment, ''P-Please leave now sir.'' I Hissed out with a trembling voice.

He smirked and moved to lean over me, His eyes scanned me up and down before pausing on my mark's guard.

A upset look came to his face, ''I will leave for now but just know, Im not going to lose you my little song bird'' He drawled before bumping into me as he passed out of the store.

I exhaled slowly, My whole body shaking as I leaned on the counter.

With a trembling breath I straightened up and got back to work, Doing my best to take my mind off of what just happened.

----Time skip to after work------


 I looked up at the storm cloud filled sky, The smell of a approaching storm filled the air as people rushed to get to cover or get home before the rain.

A small peaceful smile crossed my face as I closed my eyes, I loved rain storms, It was like all the problems and flawed things where washed clean and made new.

Wonder how many storms I have to go through before im made new. . .

A shiver ran through me as the winds picked up, The yellowish tint to the sky made the eerily bright city seem straight out of a horror film.

The dark bruise like clouds obscured the sun and the sky as far as I could see, I glanced back down at my phone while pulling my jacket tighter around myself.

I had texted Paris that my shift had ended, He is on his way right now but Im pretty sure we will be caught in the storm on our way home.

A hand gripped onto my shoulder all of a sudden and pulled me back harshly into a ally way, I hissed in pain as I was shoved up against the wall.

I didn't have to open my eyes to guess who has me pinned up against the wall, Adonis roughly shoved a leg between my thighs before one of his hands covered my mouth.

My fear filled eyes snapped open and locked with his own stony gaze, He grinned widely before moving a hand to slip up under my shirt.

I felt bile rise up in my throat as my body shuddered in revolt, I tried to squirm free or at the very least move my mouth out of his grip but it was to no avail.

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