Chapter 1:Kiss, Marry, kill

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''Ring around the rosie, pockets full of posies, ashes ashes we all fall down!'' Brook sang softly while walking down the hall, her bunny stuffed animal in a death grip in her arms.

''Hey, brookie?'' I said while putting my hand gently on her shoulder ''It's going to be okay, I know they will like you''

''How do you know that?'' she asked while turning her baby blue eyes to look at me.

''Because they would have to be stupid not to see how amazing you are!'' I said cheerfully, she wiped the nervous tears from her eyes and beamed up at me.

''you really think so?'' she asked, her demeanor changing.

''Of course! now lets hurry before you miss the bus'' I said, today is brook's first day of school, she had been homeschooled through kindergarten and preschool so she was rather nervous.

''Bye mommies! bye daddy!'' she called back into the house before we both raced outside to catch the bus.

Brook had our second mom's looks, a full heart shaped face with straight black hair framing pale skin and bright pink lips.

In other words she was drop dead stunning, even for a kid.

I raced down the sidewalk, passed a few other kids who looked like they where walking to their death.

I noticed brook looking at them and starting to get worried so I scooped her up to sit on my shoulders until the bus came.

''Roux? can I ask you something?'' brook mumbled, her head resting on top of mine.

''Shoot kid'' ((Don't take this out of context, Please ;-;))

''What is school like? mommy said it's fun and magical but. . . those kids don't look like their going to have fun''

''Well, school is fun at first, while you are in grade school it's mostly a blast! well except for math but that never gets any better''

''So why do they look so down trotting then?''

'' Trodden, and they look that way because it tends to get harder the older you get''

''Whys that?''

''Well, once you get to our age other kids tend to judge you more'' A voice interjected.

I looked behind me, a smile on my face.

Standing behind us was brook's soulmate, Jason.

He was a pretty nice kid and even in my grade, he had curly blonde hair and puppy dog brown eyes.

''Jason!'' brook squealed, reaching out for him to pick her up.

''Hey brookie, how ya doing sweety?'' he asked while scooping her off my shoulders and holding her bridal style.

She giggled and started to say fine before we where interuppted by the the bus arriving.

All three of us joined the crowd getting onto the bus before taking a seat in the back

---- time skip to school! -----

Jason had stuck with me untill after we dropped brook off at her class before saying bye and heading to his first period, we where in the same grade but we only shared one class and lunch so i didn't see him most of the day.

Sighing i closed my locker and started to make my way to math class before being suddenly attacked by a derranged boobed blonde!

''AH! Liz! what the hell!'' I yelled while trying to dry the wet and cold substance she poured over me.

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