Chapter 54: Cuddles pt 2

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Paris forced a smile on his face, ''Oh? You didn't have faith in me knowing how to treat my soulmate?'' He asked with forced calm.

Ambrose arched a eyebrow before a smirk formed on his face, ''Considering you made him cry earlier, No I don't.'' Ambrose shot back simply, Moving to stand on the other side of me.

''P-Please don't fight'' I squeaked out nervously, My hands moving to grip at my shirt to just try and do something to calm my steadily rising nerves.

That caught both men's attention.

They glared at each other briefly before Paris turned his attention to me.

''How about you go lay down with the others, Okay sweetheart?'' He asked, Crouching down slightly to be at eye level with me.

''If we have anything to say we can say it in front of him.'' Ambrose interjected, Crossing his arms out of annoyance.

Paris narrowed his eyes and glared up at the man, Before he could speak though, The bedroom door opened.

''Paris. Get in bed. And you.'' He ordered, Turning his attention to Ambrose now.

''You go back to the guest room.'' He snapped, His eyes narrowed, Clearly annoyed.

I could feel a cold chill run up my back, I wasn't sure if it was just whatever was making me feel unwell, Or if it was the icy cold look on Bailey's face.

I lowered my head as I heard the two men stop bickering, Both of them meekly hurrying to do what Bailey ordered.

I was about to slip back into the bedroom before Bailey placed his hand on my shoulder.

I glanced nervously up at him, Already feeling tired, Drained and very nervous.

The icy cold look on his face was melting away to a tired yet warmer look.

''You alright?'' He asked quietly.

A small tired smile formed on my face as some of the tension left my shoulders.

I leaned into him as his arms wrapped around me, A safe and secure feeling starting to bloom inside my chest.

''I will be'' I whispered quietly into his chest.

He sighed before hugging me tighter to himself, ''Come on, It's late'' He reminded.

I hummed quietly in agreement, My tired eyes closing as I leaned into his warmth.

He moved his arm to gently rub at my back, ''Lets go lay down'' He advised, Tugging me back into the room with him.

I followed behind him as he led me to the bed, His arm keeping me from stumbling.

Paris was already laying down on the bed, Sulking.

''Where's Kadin?'' I asked Bailey quietly just before Kadin came back into the bedroom, A extra blanket in his arms.

''What's that for?'' Paris asked, His curiosity pulling him out of his sulk.

Kadin sighed before nudging Bailey and I to the bed.

I noticed Bailey arch an eyebrow but he didn't say anything about the shorter man bossing him around.

''Go lay down Roux'' Bailey said, Gently nudging me towards the bed as Kadin set the blanket down at the foot of the bed.

I crawled into bed before Kadin pulled the blanket up, Tucking it over me.

I snuggled down, Ducking my face slightly under the heavy comforter.

''Not answering my question?'' Paris asked, Laying down now.

Kadin sighed tiredly as Bailey went to grab clothes and a towel.

''It's pretty cold outside, Besides, We don't want anyone getting sick'' Kadin explained, Moving to cuddle under the blankets with me.

I sighed, Curling into his embrace as I tired to ignore how cold I was feeling suddenly.

A small shiver went through my body as Kadin pulled me closer to his warmth, Surprised by how cold I felt.

Kadin frowned but thankfully didn't say anything. 

He held me close to his chest as the sound of the shower became background noise.

''Imma go join Bailey in the shower'' Paris said after a while, The blonde hurried to get up, Looking slightly guilty about something.

I forced my eyes to stay open, Turning my attention to the concerned man holding me.

''You feeling okay?'' He asked, Propping his head up slightly so he could look down at me.

I let out a tired sigh and buried my face in his chest, ''I'll be fine, I just wanna cuddle'' I muttered quietly.

He relaxed before I felt him lightly kiss the top of my head.

''Alright, Sweet dreams'' He whispered as my eyes started to drift closed.


Looking around, I was in the woods, The familiarly odd woods.

A small fond smile formed on my face as I took the now familiar path to the special trees.

Wonder how the little evergreen is doing?

 With that though in mind, I continued through the cheery looking forest, A sense of peace trying to settle inside me.

A chirping bird drew my attention away from my walk.

It wasn't so much the fact that I hadn't seen birds while I have been here before, More so was because it was speaking English to a rather large dog.

''' I don't know Bailey, I'm just worried about him''' The bird said, The little black bird with honey colored eyes was nervously pacing in front of the tired looking massive dark brown dog.

I stared at the two of them, As strange as this seemed, It oddly felt normal.

''' Kadin, Get some sleep. You've been worrying so much about the court date and so many other things, If anything happens We'll deal with it''' The dog said, It's velvety voice tired.

''' Right. . . I know I just. . . I just don't want him to suffer anymore''' The bird whispered quietly, It's head lowered.

I felt my heart clench in sympathy for the poor little bird.

I took a step towards the animal pair only to find that there was a giant hole right under me.

A cold chill rushed down my spine as I plummeted into the darkness.


''Roux, Roux time to wake up'' Paris said quietly, Gently shaking me awake.

''Huh?'' I squeaked out stupidly, My just woken up mind blurry.

Why are we up so early?


Alllright, Odd dream, Annd Paris held his temper! . . . Any guesses why he woke Roux up 'Early'?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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