Chapter 84: Choices. . .

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Back to Ambrose's Pov. . .


I regretted staying up as late as I did last night.

My eyes felt like they had weights tied to them with how heavy they were.

Taking a long slow sip of my overly caffeinated coffee I did my best to not gag on the rather revolting taste of this drink from hell.

At least once the caffeine kicks in I'll actually be able to stay awake. . .Hopefully. . .

I grumbled out a very grumpy greeting to John as he buzzed me in so I could get to my office.

 The tired tension I was used to carrying was building up already, Today was gonna be a bad dey for everyone.

Reaching my office, I paused, A scowl working it's way onto my face when my gaze landed on the ever so slightly opened door.

Pushing my door open the rest of the way, I was prepared to yell at whoever entered my office without my permission.

However, The insults froze briefly on my tongue as I was faced with Paris, Sitting ever so calmly in one of the guest chairs.

''What do you want Harp.'' I demanded, My eyes narrowed as I moved over to my chair.

Sitting down, I put the things Paris had moved out of place back where they belonged.

''Have you thought about what I said Ambrose?'' Paris asked, Actually getting right to the point for once.

I arched an eyebrow, Considering playing dumb for a moment before deciding I didn't have the patience for that.

''Yup, Thought about it. . .'' I muttered, Grabbing one of the file folders filled with paper work I had to do as I spoke.

Last night, Paris had tried to force my hand on joining their little group.

To sum up what he said, I have a choice, I can either stop being a dense mother fucker and join them already, Or I need to stop visiting.

It made sense why he'd do that, After all, If I was never going to join them it'd just be cruel to keep spending time with them, Giving them misplaced hope.

Still, It put a lot of pressure on something I still wasn't sure about.

''And what did you come up with?'' Paris asked, Getting up from his chair and slowly starting to circle around the desk, Moving to the only small window I had in my office.

Sighing, I tensed up in my chair as the other man stood beside me, Staring out the window with his arms behind his back.

''I'm not interested in you or your partners, The only reason I keep ending up back around you lot is because either they invite me over or I'm trying to make sure you haven't hurt Roux'' I stated simply, Turning my attention back to my paperwork and away from the man next to me.

There was silence for a moment before the other man chuckled quietly.

I heard him close the blinds on the window before he moved over to the door.

Arching my eyebrows, I raised my gaze to stare at Paris, Annoyed at the fact that he had just made the room a lot darker.

The blonde calmly locked the door, Shaking his head slightly as he did so.

''Really? You really think I'm going to believe that?'' Paris asked calmly, His back still turned to me.

Rolling my eyes, I turned most of my attention back to my work.

''Believe what you want, But I'm not gonna twist the truth just to sate your ego.'' I muttered, Glancing over at a report I was working on reading.

I heard the other man sigh before the sound of foot steps was all the sound that came from him.

I glanced up at him over my glasses as he leaned against my desk, Thankfully, He was on the other side of the wooden barrier.

''I'm not the one who needs the truth to be twisted.'' Paris grumbled out, His eyes actually narrowing.

That's. . .Odd. . .

Normally, To actually get him angry at me, I had to attack someone close to him, It's rarely ever worked without that.

''If you really don't want to join our bond then why the hell don't you say that to the others, Here, I'll even call them right now'' Paris grumbled out, Pulling out his phone as he spoke.

Sighing, I reached my hand up to pinch at the bridge of my nose, I could tell I was going to have a headache before this day was over.

''Why are you doing this Paris.'' I demanded, Listening as the phone rung once.

I turned my gaze back to the papers before me, Faking indifference as the phone rung a second time.

''I'm tired of playing this game with you Ambrose, We're both adults, It's about time we stop dancing around this, Either you're willing to join us or you need to stop spending time with us.'' Paris stated simply.

Shrugging, I looked back down at my work, Ignoring the slight sting in my chest.

I wasn't sure what I wanted, Sure it'd be nice to be in a relationship again, But. . .What if I got hurt again?. . .What if I hurt one of them . . .

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I started to randomly jot down notes on the papers I was having to read.

''I don't care, Tell them whatever the hell you want to.'' I muttered, Ignoring the slight warmth pricking at my eyes.

Being sleep deprived and then being forced to deal with your own emotions was not an ideal thing to go through.

There was silence for a moment before Paris moved closer, His phone ringing one last time before it let out the normal ' The person you were calling can't make it to the phone, Please leave your message after the beep' .

Paris didn't say anything, Instead, He firmly grabbed me by my wrist.

I let out a heavy sigh, About to snap at the man to just leave and tell the others I didn't care.

Before I could, Paris moved his other hand to rest his hand on my cheek.

I was quite surprised when he swiped his thumber gently over my eyelid, Brushing away un-shed tears.

Looking up at the standing man, I let a small bitter smirk form on my face.

''I can't answer you question, Because I don't even know the answer myself'' I whispered, Deciding to be honest with the other man.

Sighing, Paris leaned in closer, Pressing his head against mine.

''Maybe. . .I can help you find that answer then'' He whispered quietly to me before the hand on my face forced my head up just enough for our lips to briefly brush against each other.

Wait. . .Are we really gonna do this. . .In here?


Totally didn't push to get all the talking out in this chapter so the next one can just be sex. . .That's totally not what I was doing. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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