Chapter 59: Tension

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Annnd, Here we go. . .


I propped my head up slightly on the back of the couch, Looking back at the two men who had come down the stairs.

Kadin's black hair still dripping wet from his shower.

He had changed from his professional clothes into a simple, Warm looking plain green sweater and rather snug fitting jeans.

I kept my eyes on them as they looked around for us, Both of them spotted us in the family room at nearly the same time.

Paris was the only one to come into the family room with Ambrose and I.

The man took one look at Ambrose before frowning.

They both stared at each other silently, Neither of them saying a word.

Both of them looked tense as they had a little contest of wills.

Right. . . We'll figure that out later. . .

Looking back at the hallway, I saw Kadin was putting on a jacket and his shoes.

''Kadin? Where are you going?'' I asked quietly, Staring at the honey eyed man.

He glanced back at me, A gentle smile on his face as he walked over to the couch.

''I have to go pick someone up but I'll be back soon'' He explained, Pulling the blanket from around my waist so it was up over my head in a little cocoon of sorts again while he spoke.

I gave him a small smile, Leaning into his touch as he gently cupped the side of my face.

''You're looking a little better'' Kadin commented, His thumb gently rubbing circles into my cheek.

''Thanks, I feel a bit better'' I admitted, My eyes starting to feel slightly heavy at the familiar comfort that always seemed to surround my boyfriends.

I smiled up at him, Starting to feel sleepy again as he gently held my face.

He smiled back at me, The corners of his tired eyes softening.

''You should try and get some rest'' He said gently, Patting my head lightly before turning to the two men still having a stare down.

''And you two. Stop fighting and behave while I'm gone.'' He scolded, Going all principle mode on the two men.

I looked back at the two men to see them look at each other one last time before ending their little 'Contest'.

I noticed a slightly light spark in Paris's eyes as he quickly glanced from Ambrose to Kadin, He eyes remaining on his boyfriend.

''Good luck honey'' Paris said, Reaching out to grab Kadin by his shirt, Pulling the man forwards slightly to give him a kiss on the lips.

My eyes widened in surprise at that, I was really not expecting him to do that and it caught me off guard.

I could feel my face heat up a bit as I watched Paris deepen the kiss after a short while.

A small shuddering sounding sigh drew my attention away from them however and towards Ambrose just as it was getting juicy.

Said man's face was flushed ever so slightly as he looked away from the two kissing men, His hand held up to cover his lips.

Is he okay? Why is he acting like tha- Oh. . .

I noticed Paris glance over at the embarrassed man beside me, A slightly smug look briefly flashing across his face before he turned his whole attention back to Kadin.

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