Chapter 36: 'Grandparents'

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Yay, Update day T-T


I pressed close to Kadin's side as we both listened in.

''And what exactly is so important that we all needed to drive all the way out here.'' The older guy demanded curtly.

He was pacing back and forth in front of Bailey, Much like a drill sergeant would.

Bailey remained impassive, He was standing at attention just like soldiers do.

''Uh we needed some character witnesses for a court date and we figured we could rely on you guys'' Paris supplied, He was sitting down with the other two, Calmly drinking some tea . . . or coffee (It's 100% coffee).

''Ooh really. What the hell did you do now Bailey.'' His dad demanded, Spinning around to face Bailey.

I winced, Moving away from Kadin ever so slightly.

I hated to see Bailey getting yelled at over something that was fully my fault.

If they won't stand up for Bailey. . . I guess I will

''He-He didn't do anything wrong s-sir'' I stuttered out nervously.

Said man slowly turned around as everyone's attention turned to me.

''U-Uh its my f-faul-'' I started to say before being interrupted.

''Why. the hell.'' The man said slowly, Storming over to me.

I swallowed thickly as I stared nervously up at him, He towered over me.

''Bailey. Why didn't you tell me I have a grandson!'' He demanded, Scooping me up as if I was a little kid.

I opened my mouth to protest, Before I could say anything he swung me around like grandparents normally do.

I paled, My hands clutching at his arms.

''P-Please, Put m-me down'' I squeaked out, Trembling slightly.

Dang it, Who knew heights can be this scary. . .

''Dad. . . He's not our son. . . He's our final partn-'' Bailey started to say before said man spun around to face him.

I blinked slowly, Starting to get dizzy from all the spinning.

''Do I look like I was born yesterday? Of course I know he's you partner!'' He snapped at Bailey.

Kadin move over to stand next to Bailey, ''No offence Mr. Cresent but you couldn't tell before that Paris and I were his soulmates, so him saying that was kinda valid. . .'' Kadin reasoned.

Mr. Cresent just chuckled, Shaking his head.

''Mhmm, Sorry again about that'' He said, Finally setting me down.

Both of my men smiled at him, Bailey however was still standing at attention.

''On a side note, What's your name son?'' He asked, Crouching down so he was no longer towering over me.

''I-I'm Roux, S-Sir'' I squeaked nervously, My hands twisting at my shirt.

He stared at me for a moment before roughly ruffling my hair, A amused chuckle rumbling out from his chest.

''No need for sir, You can call me grandpa'' He said cheerfully.

I blinked in surprised as he grinned at me, ''Sweetie, Let us meet him too'' The brown haired lady said.

The smaller man next to her nodded as well, The Hazel eyed lady turned a bright smile in my direction.

''Hello there, I'm Bailey's mother, You can feel free to call me grandma if you want'' She said sweetly.

''The man next to me is his other father, He's selectively mute so don't worry if he doesn't speak with you'' She said sweetly.

The man next to her tapped her before moving his hands in odd looking gestures.

The lady watched closely before nodding, '' You can feel free to call him gramps'' She said happily to me.

I nodded, Quite overwhelmed by how friendly they were being.

''. . . You guys do relies he's not your grandson right?'' Paris checked.

By this point I had noticed that 'grandpa' had moved back over to Bailey.

I was quite surprised when I noticed he was actually slightly taller then Bailey.

 ''Oh please, You guys are Gay, This is the closest we will get to being grandparents. . . Unless you plan on adopting'' 'Grandma' explained dismissively.

'Grandpa' finished saying whatever he had to say to Bailey, Both of them returned to the table.

''So what in the world did you do Roux?'' 'Grandpa' asked, Resting his arms on the table.

I nervously glanced over at Paris, He glanced over at me and patted the empty part of the bench beside him.

''C-Can I go upstairs?'' I asked quietly, Nervously glancing over at Bailey and Kadin.

They were quietly explaining what happened to me to Bailey's parents.

Paris frowned slightly before nodding, ''Alright'' He said quietly.

He got up and moved over to say something to Kadin, Kadin just glanced back at me before nodding.

I stiffened as I heard Bailey tell his dad about the bruises.

Just as I expected his parents did not take that well.

''Then why the hell is the court even letting them try and get him back!?'' 'Grandma' demanded.

'Gramps' Nodded along, Signing something to the other two.

''Exactly! Like he said, All we have to do is bring up the police report and then this is all over!'' 'Grandma' said, Exasperation in her voice.

''One problem. . .'' Kadin said slowly.

I felt Paris gently grab my shoulders, Starting to steer me out of the kitchen.

Bailey said something to them before 'Grandpa' exploded, ''What the hell son! You never break the chain of command!!'' He all but roared.

I could faintly hear him still yelling at Bailey for not reporting it as Paris closed the bedroom door behind him.

''He's going to be okay. . . Right?'' I asked Paris nervously.

He smiled gently over at me before lightly pushing me down to the bed.

''He'll be fine, his dad is strict but he won't go overboard'' Paris assured me.

I nodded nervously, My thoughts starting to whirr around in my head.

What if he's not okay? What if I cause his parents to get angry with him!? What if-

My thoughts were derailed very suddenly by arm wrapping around me.

Before I knew it Paris had pulled me onto him so he could hug me.

''P-Paris? What are you doing??'' I squeaked out nervously, Squirming around in his hug.

He hummed quietly in thought before hugging me tighter, ''Distracting you'' He answered simply.

From what?. . . Oh yeah. . .

I looked away from him sheepishly, ''Thanks'' I whispered quietly, Snuggling into his hug.

He sighed quietly before His arms loosened enough so I could move to sit beside him.

''Hey Paris?''


''Everything will be okay. . . Right?'' I asked quietly, My heart stuttering nervously in my chest.

He remained silent for a moment before I felt him lightly kiss my head, ''Of course''


Alright, Any guesses on what their going to use in their favor? Will other people get involved? Find out. . . Eventually (I hope).

Anyways, Like always have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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