Chapter 90:

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Nsfw for like half of this chapter. . .


Bailey reluctantly led me upstairs, Walking a bit weird thanks to his problem.

When we made it into the bedroom, Bailey made sure to close the door behind us as I made my way over to the bed.

I was pretty nervous about doing this again, I had only done this once before with Bailey and then I had been nervous too.

Holding my hands in my lap, I stared up at Bailey as he walked around over to the bedside table.

I heard another small sigh from him when he finally made his way back to me, A bottle and a condom in hand.

A small little frown formed on my face as Bailey lightly pinned me down to the bed, His hands loosely holding mine to the bed.

I quickly tried to replace it before Bailey could notice, However, I wasn't quick enough.

Bailey moved back slightly, Staring down at me.

''Do you no longer want to do this?'' He asked quietly, His hands releasing my arms.

''No I just. . .Didn't want to force you into it if you didn't want to. . .You know'' I muttered awkwardly, My brain deciding that it didn't want to do English today.

Bailey stared at me for a very long moment before rubbing at his eyes.

''Roux. I'm the one with the boner, Not you. Clearly I'm interested in you'' He stated bluntly.

I glanced away from him, Nervously twisting my hands together.

''Sorry'' I muttered apologetically, Feeling stupid for thinking otherwise.

A tense silence filled the room for a long moment before Bailey sighed, Moving off of me and sitting up.

''Alright, I'm curious now. Why did you think I didn't want to have sex with you?'' Bailey asked, His tired eyes focused fully on me as I slowly sat up.

I rubbed slightly at my arms as I looked towards the door before shrugging.

''You just kept sighing a lot. . .And you seemed reluctant. . .'' I explained vaguely, Expecting him to berate me over the stupidity of my reasons.

Instead, He dragged his hand down his face, Another sigh escaping him.

''I haven't been sighing because I don't want to have sex with you'' He started before pausing as if searching for the words to explain this to me.

After a short moment, A 'Oh fuck it' expression briefly crossed his face before he spoke again.

''Look, You're cute, But you're also inexperienced when it comes to sex and I for one don't want to be the one to somehow hurt you and scare you off from wanting to have sex again'' He started again, Trying to catch my eye as I refused to look at him.

''I don't ever have to worry about that with Kadin or Paris, But with you. . .I have to make an effort to remind myself to be careful and to hold back'' He explained further.

I swallowed nervously before glancing over at him.

''You don't have to be gentle with me. . .I can handle a lot'' I muttered, Regretting my phrasing as soon as the words left my mouth.

''I-I mean. . .I'm not fragile'' I corrected quickly as Bailey stared at me, An eyebrow raised.

He looked away from me for a moment, Staring at the window before he closed his eyes.

''. . .So, You're willing to try a different pace?'' He asked, Turning his attention back to me.

I could feel my face heating up, But despite that, I still nodded.

He slowly nodded along before one of his hands gently threaded it's way into my hair.

''If you want me to stop, Just say so'' He stated simply before abruptly using my hair to tug my face close enough for him to capture my lips in a quick kiss.

I only had enough time to blink in surprise before I was back to being pinned to the bed, My arms trapped underneath me as Bailey held me down with a hand on my chest.

My breath was stolen away as he pressed another kiss to my lips, His other hand moving down to slowly lower my pants.

A shiver made it's way through my body as Bailey bit down slightly on my bottom lip, Causing a small squeak of surprise to escape me.

I arched into his touch as he slipped one hand up under my shirt, His other rubbing at my member.

He continued to rub at my member as he moved his other hand out from under my shirt, The click of a bottle cap telling me exactly why.

After a moment, Cold lube coated fingers pressed against my entrance, Making me hiss quietly in surprise, My insides squirming as I knew what will happen next.

My body tensed up ever so slightly as he slipped a finger inside me, A kiss from him catching the gasp that escaped me.

Unlike before, He instantly started moving his finger inside me, Seeking out the spot that made me see stars.

After a moment, He found it.

My back arched slightly as he continued stroking my member while rubbing over the spot inside me that made my limbs tremble and my nerves fire off like crazy.

I closed my eyes tightly, Turning my face away as he proceeded to nip and suck hickies into the soft skin of my throat.

He was taking things a lot quicker than he had when we first had sex.

I had just barely relaxed before he was carefully putting another finger inside me, Stretching me out.

Soon after he added a third before eventually pulling his fingers free.

My face felt like it was on fire as I felt him line his lube slicked member up with my entrance.

I kept my eyes closed, Doing my best to relax as he slowly started to push into me.

I doubted I would ever be used to this even if I did it a thousand times over.

Which wasn't a bad thing. . .

After a moment, He was fully inside me.

My breath felt like it was stuck in my throat only for it to be very suddenly stolen from me as he pulled out before quickly thrusting back into me, Hitting the spot inside me, Causing my body to twitch slightly.

I could feel my brain melting as he continued to thrust into me at a pace that made stars dance in my slowly darkening vision.

Oh fuck. . .


He'll be fine. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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