Chapter 69: 'Snuggles' Continued

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Did I drag out this just so the actual sex scene would be on this chapter?. . .Maybe. . .


''You okay?'' Kadin asked quietly, His gentle velvety voice slightly rough with arousal.

I could feel my face burning as he kept his hands gently resting on the bare skin on my hips.

''Y-Yeah, 'm fine'' I managed to squeak out, My voice trembling slightly as I spoke.

Kadin gave me a gentle smile before his lips returned to mine.

My breath hitched slightly as he carefully tugged my pants down.

I was starting to get light headed as Kadin deepened the kiss, Starting to map out my mouth as his hands gently explored my body.

I could feel heat starting to form in my groin as Kadin's hands gently brushed over my chest again.

I didn't even notice the bed shift slightly as Bailey got up, I was far too focused on the lips and hands of the man who was slowly starting to drive me crazy.

I did however hear the bedroom door close, Alluding to that fact that Bailey just left.

After that, Kadin pulled back, Allowing me to catch my breath as he removed his shirt.

I could feel my face heating up further as I tried to discreetly study the other man's body.

He wasn't as muscly as Bailey but he was still clearly strong and well built.

He smiled down at me, Making me blush darker as he walked a little closer to me again.

It was around then that I noticed the fact my legs weren't on the bed but hanging over the edge.

Sure enough, Kadin moved to stand between my legs, His hands gently running down my thighs as he smiled at me.

''You sure you want to do this?'' He checked, His eyes scanning my face for any hesitation.

''Y-Yeah'' I squeaked out, My voice trembling at first before I let out a shaky exhale.

Kadin stared at me for a moment longer before moving out from between my legs.

I sat up, Prepared for him to put his clothes back on and leave me here, Embarrassed.

Instead, He pulled open one of the dresser drawers and pulled out, Much to my embarrassment, A bottle of lube and two condoms.

He set them down on the bed next to me before moving back between my legs again.

He gently put his hands on my shoulders before lightly pushing me back down to the bed so I was laying down again.

He slid his hands down my thighs, Making me shiver before his hands paused at my underwear.

I nodded nervously when he looked up towards my face, Waiting patiently for permission. 

He gave me another small smile before he leaned forwards, Kissing me gently again.

!! Sex scene technically starts here, For those who don't like reading this stuff, Skip until you see another message like this, That's when the serious stuff happens !!

''Tell me to stop if you feel uncomfortable'' He said quietly before he gently tugged off my underwear.

Now, We were both naked.

I felt the need to cover myself, Last time I had sex with them it was under the cover of slight darkness, Now, The lights in the bedroom didn't hide anything from sight.

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