Chapter 18: For now. . .

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Ha! I got another chapter up this week!


The bed shifted slightly, Waking me up as colder air hit me.

In my half asleep state I didn't think much before wrapping my arms around the person's waist, I heard a gasp of surprise before someone gently ruffled my hair.

''Come on Roux, I have to get ready for the day alright?'' Kadin whispered quietly, I peeled my eyes open a tiny bit to stare back to him.

He gave me a gentle smile before leaning forwards to kiss my forehead, I blushed and snuggled my face down under the covers.

I heard him chuckle quietly before he went about getting ready for the day, I only partly listened to him getting ready, My brain was starting to get hazy with exhaustion again.

I felt arms wrap around me from behind as Paris pulled me to his chest, I shivered as he rested his lips on the back of my neck.

''Mmm, Mornin' Roux'' He tiredly whispered into my neck, I shivered as his arms tightened around me.

''Can you cuddle with him a little longer Paris?'' Kadin asked from somewhere in the room, I felt Paris move around a bit before he hummed in agreement.

''Thanks Paris. Bailey, Come on, It's time to get up'' Kadin said, Shaking Bailey awake from the sound of it.

Kadin's footsteps left in the direction of the bathroom before I heard a grumble from Bailey's side of the bed, The sound of the shower quietly filled in the background noise.

The bed shifted again as Bailey got up and went to the dresser, The sound of a few drawers opening filled the room before he headed into the bathroom.

And just like that, It was just Paris and I.

I shivered as he started to place lazy little kisses on the back of my neck, I squirmed around until I was facing him.

He smiled tiredly at me before kissing my forehead, ''What a perfect sight to wake up to'' He murmured quietly while staring into my eyes.

I blushed and buried my face in his chest, His chest rumbled with a chuckle as one of his hands gently rubbed up and down my back.

Soon enough my eye lids started to get weighed down by sleep, I guess Paris noticed this, ''Sweet dreams'' He whispered quietly to me as he rested his chin gently on top of my head.

--- Time skip ---

Someone gently rubbing at my arm woke me up slowly, ''Hey Roux, Time to get up'' Paris murmured gently.

I groaned quietly and buried my face closer to his chest, I wrapped my arms around him as I did so.

Why does morning have to come so soon?

''Bailey? What are you doing?'' Paris asked as footsteps approached the bed, I slowly opened my eyes, Curious about what was happening.

Strong arms wrapped around me before I was abruptly scooped out of Paris's arms, I let out a 'Manly' squeak of fear as Bailey held me bridal style.

''Well that's one way'' Paris muttered, Getting out of bed to start getting ready for the day.

Bailey leaned over to quickly kiss Paris before he went into the bathroom, As soon as Paris left he gently set me down on the edge of the bed.

''Morning kid'' He said, Ruffling my hair gently as he did so.

He strangely enough was not wearing his uniform, He was instead wearing a pretty tight grey T-shirt and jeans.

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