epilogue: 9

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 :)  (9/10)


Work was stressful today.

By the end of my final meeting of the day, I was so freaking exhausted.

Sighing, I snuggled down into a pillow on the couch, trying to find sleep.

Bailey had come down a few times during the day, checking on me and or getting things for Ambrose.

Outside of my co-workers pushing their work off onto me and an influx of new customers we had to deal with, it was a pretty good day.

Come evening, I had completely forgotten about Paris's request for when he got home.

I was dozing lightly on the couch when I heard the front door open, making me stir slightly.

''Welcome home!'' I called out, starting to sit up as I spoke.

I didn't get a response from whoever came inside, said person entering the living room with me mere moments later.

Looking up, I was greeted with the sight of Paris slowly starting to remove his shirt, his eyes trained on me as he did so.

A small groan left me at that, causing the other man to pause, an eyebrow raising slightly.

''Please no, I've had sex the past two days'' I groaned, rubbing at my eyes as I said so, making the other man pause.

He seemed to think about that for a moment before starting to roll up his shirt sleeves, making me sigh in disappointment.

''Lay out on the couch for me please? On your belly'' Paris instructed, his tone soft but without question to it. . .Almost sounding like something professional.

Yeah so I guess I'm just going to get fucked anyways. . .

Rolling onto my belly, I propped my head up on my crossed arms, bracing myself for yet another round.

I held still as Paris carefully removed my shirt, tugging it up over my head and making me shiver at the burst of cold air.

And here we go. . .

Closing my eyes, I fully expected my pants to be the next to go.

Instead, warm hands gently ran up and down my back, mapping out my body for a moment before doing something completely un-expected.

Firmly, he pushed down on a certain muscle in my back, drawing a quiet combination of a moan and a groan from me.

A soft chuckle left the other man before he kept up doing that across my entire back, pushing and rubbing at seemingly random spots that made my body go limp.

My mind slowly started to drift as my husband continued to massage me, leaving my muscles feeling loose and relaxed.

Eventually, I must have nodded off as I was awoken a while later to someone carefully man handling me about.

Cracking open my eyes lazily, I watched as Paris carried me into our upstairs guest bedroom, gently setting me down on the bed before carefully covering me up, climbing into bed beside me.

I was pulled into his arms, moved until my head was rested on his chest.

Sighing, I tilted my head back until we were looking at each other in the eye.

Paris smiled warmly before leaning down and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

''Sorry I made you upset, I would promise not to do it again but. . .'' Paris murmured, trailing off at the end, drawing a small huff from me, a smile dancing across my lips regardless.

''How was your day?'' I asked quietly, tucking my head back down against his chest, letting my eyelids drift closed as my husband ranted to me about his day, adding mumbled input every now and again.

Eventually he fell silent as the two of us drifted off into a light doze, snuggled together in each other's arms.

Some time passed before either of us left bed, still feeling a bit sleepy but no longer feeling tired.

Paris didn't join me heading downstairs, opting instead to quote 'spend some time with Ambrose'.

Poor guy. . .

As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, the smell of something cooking drew my attention towards the kitchen.

Stepping inside, I took stock of the scene before me.

Kadin was giving Bailey an exasperated look as Bailey appeared to be doing his best not to laugh as he cleaned some tomato sauce off of Kadin's face.

It was a painfully domestic scene, something that made my heart warm at the comfortable feeling in the air.

''Welcome home Kadin'' I greeted, drawing both of their attentions towards me.

''Hey love, didn't see you when I got home, was Paris messing with you again?'' Kadin asked, Leaning down just the slightest to give me a kiss as I moved beside him.

I shook my head before smiling up at Bailey as he reached out to gently ruffle my hair.

''Nope, we were just napping'' I assured him, leaning into Kadin's side as I spoke, relaxing as his arms draped around me.

''Hungry?'' Bailey asked as the timer on his phone went off, drawing my attention back to the source of the good smell in the house.

''Very'' Kadin and I said in nearly perfect sync.

I watched on with a watering mouth as Bailey proceeded to pull a lovely lasagna out of the oven, the cheese on top perfectly toasted and golden.

An excited noise left me without thought, drawing a small laugh from the man who cooked it.

''Alright, everyone go wash up, I'm going to go fetch Paris and see if Ambrose can come down or not'' Bailey ordered, making a shooing motion towards the two of us with the oven gloves.

Kadin rolled his eyes slightly as the two of us headed towards the kitchen sink to wash up, Bailey going to fetch our two remaining husbands.

A few moments later, as Kadin and I were starting to set the table, we both heard the shower start, causing us to exchange a look before adding another plate to the table.

After fifteen or so minutes, the shower shut off, our husbands coming down now long after, Ambrose leaning very heavily on Bailey the entire time.

He looked a little dazed. . .But better.

Color had returned to his skin, and the large bags under his eyes were gone.

''Evening Ambrose!'' I greeted happily as the other man gave us a small, tired smile.

''Evening'' He whispered back, his voice very rough.


:) Family has derailed much.

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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