Chapter 25: Birthday's end

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T-T This took way to long to figure out what day it is in book time (Apparently the last chapter's day was Wednesday)


Bailey sighed and turned around to face the two other men, ''Kadin, Please take Paris to the family room and make sure he's okay'' He ordered.

I moved to stand close to the wall as Kadin escorted a surprised Paris out of the kitchen, I glanced over at the two men in the family room then back to Bailey.

''Are you okay?'' I asked quietly, Moving to sit at the counter.

He spun around to face me rather quickly, I blinked in confusion before I noticed he had his hand resting on his gun.

I swallowed thickly and paled, He let out a quiet sigh before removing his hand.

''Heh, You're pretty quiet'' He muttered, Moving to stand next to me.

''Sorry'' I apologized, Looking away sheepishly.

He sat down next to me, His arm slinging across my shoulders.

''Not something you need to say sorry for'' He said quietly, Leaning down so his head was resting on my shoulder.

I tilted my head so I could look over at him, He sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Suddenly the ground and the ceiling changed places, I let out a squeak as he scooped me up bridal style.

He carried me into the family room and plopped me down onto the couch next to Kadin and Paris, I blushed up at him.

He gave me a lop sided smile before ruffling my hair, ''Keep those two in check while im cooking'' He muttered quietly to me before heading back to the kitchen.

''C'mon, Sit with us'' Paris called out, I gave him a small smile and got up to cuddle between them on the sofa.

Kadin wrapped a arm around my waist, Pulling me close to his side.

I rested my head on his chest tiredly, They had turned on something on the TV but I was too tired to really pay attention.

I set the box down on the table before curling up next to Kadin and drifting off.

Before I fell asleep I felt Paris move closer to me before resting his head on top of mine.

Mm, This is turning out to be a good birthday for once. . .

--- Time skip ---

Someone was gently kissing my forehead, My eyes slowly opened, Blinking at the light in the room.

Paris smiled down at me, ''Hey Roux, C'mon, Ya gotta eat dinner'' He whispered quietly.

I let out a sleepy groan and buried my face back into the sofa, He snickered quietly before laying down next to me.

''Mmm, You're right, This is waay better'' He mumbled, Pulling me to his side.

I let out a squeak of surprise as he started to kiss at the nape of my neck, I squirmed around as he kept kissing me.

I heard a quiet chuckle from behind me, ''Wanna go get dinner now?'' He questions quietly, His breath tickling my neck as he spoke.

I nodded, Trying to squirm out of his arms.

He grinned at me before letting me go, I quickly moved away from him, My face bright red.

Chuckling he got up and wrapped a arm around my waist, I kept blushing as he lead me into the kitchen.

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