Chapter 7: Someone to love

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So, I fucked up big time on the last chapter, no you did not miss a chapter, yes it is the sixth chapter, I did try to change it but I still fucked up, sorry it sucked and I fucked up (again)


The silence in the car was as thick as fog yet strangely, it didn't feel awkward.

I glanced over at Paris, A question stuck in my mind like a thorn.

I waited until he pulled into the school parking lot before choosing to break the silence.

''Um, Mr harp?'' I glanced at the window before looking back at him, He was watching me with the same mix of emotion Kadin does.

Huh, must be something in the water

''You know you can call me Paris right? Mr harp just makes me sound old'' He tilted his head to the side and gave me a lopsided grin, One of his hands moving a bit closer to my own.

''R-right, um how. . . how did you know where I worked?'' I asked while moving a tiny bit closer to the door.

''Oh, some crazy blue haired girl was in Kadin's office screaming at him, she heard me ask him and told me where to find you'' He said, his expression making me think he really regretted speaking to Liz.

''oh'' I glanced out the window before I felt a hand cup my face, I looked back startled to see Paris moved to me inches from my face.

I felt my face heat up like crazy, I glanced away, refusing to make eye contact.

I felt him pull me close and rest his head on top of my own, I stiffened up, half expecting him to insult or hurt me.

Instead I felt a kiss being placed onto my head before a hand started to rub circles on my back, causing shudders to ripple through me.

I pushed on him, a 'problem' making itself known in my lower region.

He backed away, looking down at me with a puzzled look.

''I-I have to get to. . . class?'' I tried, Glancing at the door.

''Alright, Have a good evening at school'' He said before leaning forwards and kissing my forehead.

I jumped out of the car and raced to my first class, my face as hot as the sun and the problem in my pants having not gone down much, none of that being helped by the feeling of someone watching me. 

With a exhale I stepped into my first class

Just gotta make it through today

------ Time skip to after school-------

Steeling myself I knocked on Kadin's office door, the shirt clutched carefully in my arms.

''Come in'' His voice echoed from the other side of the door, timidly I pushed on the door and slipped in.

Kadin was working on a rather large stack of paper work and he didn't look to happy.

''What.'' He snapped before looking up, As soon as he laid eyes on me his face seemed to soften.

He got up and walked over to me, gently cupping my face.

''Well this is a pleasant surprise'' He whispered while gently brushing one of my curls away from my eyes, ''Sorry for snapping at you roux''

I glanced down at the floor before looking him back in the eyes, Kadin looked slightly surprised before suddenly a almost proud look filled his eyes.

''um, I uh . . . here'' I handed him the shirt back before looking down at the floor.

Gosh, Awkward much?

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