Chapter 80: Un-expected run in

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I ignored the quiet buzz of my phone as I continued to lay in bed.

I had today off, Damn good thing too, I hated Halloween and didn't want to head out during such a day.

After a while, My phone stopped buzzing.

If it's actually important then someone'll find a way to reach me.

Rolling back over onto my side, I Ignored my phone as it dinged quietly, Letting me know someone just texted me.

I will get out of bed when I'm good and ready to.

The sound of my phone managing to vibrate it's way off of my desk, Making a sickening crunch as it hit my floor made up my mind for me.

Groaning, I got up out of bed, Dreading to see what happened to my phone.

Please don't be completely broken, I have things on you I don't think I can replace.

Turning my phone over, I felt my heart sink as it failed to turn on when I held down the power button.

Letting out a stressed sigh, I sat back on my heels, Staring down at the now badly cracked screen of my phone.

''One fall. One fucking fall and you're broken?'' I grumbled, Glaring at my phone as if it had done this on purpose.

Grumbling quietly, I set the now useless scrap of metal and glass on my bed before getting up and heading into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

--- Time skip ---

Stepping out of my bathroom, I felt a bit better a bit calmer.

Deciding that the shower had helped me calm down enough for me to properly assess the damage of my phone, I made my way back over to my bed.

Yeah it was fucked.

Sighing, I tilted the badly cracked thing this way and that, Trying to piece out why it broke so badly after just one fall.

Guess I have no choice but to head out and buy a new one. . .

Groaning, I flopped down onto my bed, I really didn't want to head outside. . .

I hate Halloween, All the people acting like suddenly their actions have no consequences, All the seriously fucked up costumes, All the people wearing. . .Rather revealing clothing.

A shudder worked it's way down my body at that thought.

Well. . .Better get this over with. . .

Getting up, I stretched out slightly, My back making a pop noise as I did so.

Fuck I'm getting old. . .

Holding my now useless phone carefully, I headed out to my little kitchen.

''Hey Arbor, I see you're throwing a fit today'' I muttered quietly, Gently nudging the Hen and chicks cati's now waxy feeling petals as I placed the phone on the counter.

I was considering watering it again, However the soil was still damp to the touch.

''Well, We'll have to see how you're doing later'' I muttered, Picking up the plant and carrying it over to the window as I spoke.

I set it on the sill, Opening the window just enough to let some outside air in.

It was surprisingly cool outside.

Tugging on my jacket I paused slightly before putting on a scarf as well.

Won't be good to get sick. . .

Making sure my contact case was still safe inside my jacket pocket, I let out another sigh before stepping outside. . .Then instantly heading back inside.

Forgot my keys. . .

--- Time skip ---

I had already bought a new phone and with a bit of help from one of the employees at the electronics store, I had it all set up and everything.

And in that time period, I saw ten people wearing very gore-y slasher costumes, Three people who were barely dressed at all and who even knows how many people acting like a bunch of kids.

Letting out a very heavy sigh, I shook my head, Very much disappointed in humanity.

Before I could even make it to my car, An egg. A mother fucking egg. Hit me in the side of my head.

I froze as the feeling of a cold slimy egg sliding down my skin made me shudder in disgust.

The sound of laughing kids grated on my nerves as I slowly wiped the slimy egg off of my face.

Humanity was a mistake.

Just as I was about to head back to my car, A familiar voice reached my ears.

''You better not have thrown that egg'' Bailey's voice growled out, Making me turn.

He and another man, Both of them in uniform, Were walking towards the small group of teenagers who had thrown the egg.

''No sir. . .We had nothing to do with that'' One of them lied as the others hid the egg carton.

''Yeah sure, And the fact that you four match the description other people who have been egged have given is just a little coincidence?'' Bailey demanded of the children, Taking some handcuffs out of their holder on his belt.

One of the kids moved to run, Only to be blocked by the other officer.

''Alright, Hands above your head, Legs apart, I have a feeling you all know the drill'' The other officer said as both Bailey and him approached the kids again.

I slowly started to walk backwards towards my car as Bailey and his fellow officer cuffed the kids and lead them to their squad car.

Getting into my car, I was about to drive off when there was a knock on my car's window.

I felt my heart jump into my throat out of surprise when I looked over to see Bailey waiting next to my door.

We stared at each other for a moment before I stepped out of my car.

''Yes officer? Is something the matter?'' I asked, Keeping my voice level and neutral, As if I was talking with some random stranger, Not someone I knew.

I felt my heart sink slightly as Bailey reached out towards me, Nervous confusion building up in my chest.

He used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the remainder of the egg off of my face, Surprising me.

''Uh. . .Thanks?'' I muttered, Reaching up to nudge my glasses up a bit more on my face as I took a step back.

A small smirk formed on Bailey's face as he watched me calmly.

''You should come by later tonight, I'm sure the others would like to see you again'' I heard Bailey comment as he started to walk away, Heading to the squad car and in turn, His friend.

. . .That was. . .Odd. . .


A mostly un-important chapter. . .Mostly

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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