Chapter 76: Home

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 I sat at the kitchen counter, Watching Kadin cook supper.

Bailey was working late, He made sure to call and let us know however.

Turns out the scientist that the government had working on finding a way to erase soulmarks had been killed.

The concerning thing is that the papers and computer that had all his research on them were missing.

''Will you pass me the pasta Roux?'' Kadin asked, Breaking me from my thoughts.

 I grabbed the pot of pasta, Bringing it over to where Kadin was.

He was making something called fettuccine alfredo.

I don't remember ever having such a thing, But it smelled really good.

I went back to my seat as Kadin mumbled a quiet 'Thank you' to me as he started to mix the pasta in with the sauce he had been making.

Paris on the other hand, Hadn't said anything about being late, However he still wasn't home yet.

Maybe he's got a lot of work to do. . .And he just couldn't make it to the phone. . .

Despite trying to reason and calm myself, I could feel cold twisting worry forming in my chest.

Shaking my head slightly, I got up, Heading back to where I had last seen Ferris.

I know he'll put me in a good mood. . .Hopefully.

Gecko had given him a feather when they visited each other work.

Ferris had instantly tossed it away and ignored the other male, However, After he and my friends left, Ferris instantly went to retrieve the tossed feather.

I smiled slightly when I saw him perched on the coffee table in the family room, Gecko's feather still clutched in his little talons.

I sat down, About to start speaking with the grey bird when the sound of the front door unlocking caught my attention.

My head shot up as the man entering let out a tired sigh.

''Paris? You okay?'' I asked quietly, Staring at him over the back of the couch as he locked the front door behind him.

He blinked in surprise before smiling tiredly at me.

''Hey Roux, I didn't expect you to be home from school yet'' Paris muttered in surprise as he changed the direction he was heading in.

I felt my face heat up the smallest bit as Paris leaned down to kiss me on my forehead.

''Night school's been out for hour by now'' I pointed out, Smiling slightly as I watched Paris's eyes widen slightly.

He looked down at his watch before sighing and shaking his head.

''Well fuck. . .I didn't notice how late it was'' Paris muttered, An apologetic note in his voice.

''Kadin, I'm home!'' Paris called in the direction of the kitchen.

''Hey, What took you so long?'' Kadin asked as he walked into the family room with us, Taking off his apron as he spoke.

''Stayed to do some paper work'' Paris explained simply as he moved around to sit down on the couch next to me.

''Tired?'' Kadin guessed as he sat down on the other side of Paris, Giving the blonde a brief kiss on the lips.

''Very'' Paris muttered back as he turned to me, Wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

Smiling slightly, I leaned back into his hug, Resting my head on his shoulder.

Before I could relax in his hold, Ferris screeched.

I held back a laugh, Moving away from Paris as the grey bird landed between us, His feathers all puffed up as he hissed at Paris.

''Jeeze! I've been home for at most five minuets and the bird is already cock blocking me'' Paris complained before Kadin lightly smacked him upside the head.

''Never say that sentence ever again'' Kadin scolded, Frowning before Paris wrapped his arms around him.

''What's the matter? Still don't like it when I say cock?'' Paris teased, Leaning closer to Kadin as he spoke.

Kadin's face was starting to slowly flush, And based upon the way my face was warming up, I don't think he was the only one blushing.

I could see Paris whispering something into Kadin's ear.

I couldn't hear what was being said, But based on Kadin's reaction, It was most likely something dirty.

''I'm gonna get back to the food. . .'' Kadin squeaked out, Getting up in a rush, His face bright red as he hurried to the kitchen, A 'problem' starting to form at the front of his pants.

I could hear Paris quietly chuckling as I followed Kadin, Retreating into the kitchen.

--- ---

Sighing, I turned off my car engine as soon as I parked outside of my apartment.

The familiar sounds of overly loud and very off key singing from one of the other apartment buildings down the road a short ways from where I parked was the only really clear sound in the surprisingly quiet city night.

Stepping out of my car, I let out a small sigh as I walked to the front door of my small home.

I'm sure I could afford a bigger and better home if I wanted to, But why would I?

I wasn't trying to impress someone, Besides, It was and always will be just me living here by myself.

Stepping inside, I made sure to take my shoes off, Leaving them on the plain grey mat next to the door.

Everything in here was simple, Plain and serves a purpose.

Nothing had a personal touch to it.

No pictures on the plain grey walls nor on any of the simple wooden furniture.

That really made the potted plant sitting on the counter stand out.

Sighing, I set my briefcase down by the edge of the counter as I went over to the sink, Filling up the simple tiny measuring cup I used to water the finicky plant.

It was a Hen and chicks cati plant.

And believe me when I say it is a bitch to care for.

Some days it's little 'petals' will be all soft and waxy, As if it had died, Other days it would actively be overgrowing it's pot.

''Well, At least you give me something to do'' I muttered quietly, Gently nudging one of the 'petals' with my finger tip, The water I had poured in had been absorbed in seconds, Making me briefly consider giving it a bit more water then I normally would.

A small huffed chuckled escaped me as I shook my head slightly.

''You'll just up and die on me if I so much as give you a drop more hmm?'' I muttered quietly before sighing and heading for my bedroom.

I was exhausted from just spending part of the day with Paris.

Shockingly enough, One can just barely tolerate his company when he shuts up. . .


So. . .We get to see a bit of Ambrose's home life, (His plant's name is Arbor), And we got some flirting amongst the boys, Any guesses on anything?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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