Chapter 39: Soulmate. . .

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The (Not) long awaited reveal of the new soulmate!  (Side note, Sorry this is late)


My plea sadly was not answered.

I was sitting alone in the bland waiting room at Paris's work.

His boss had called him to one of the patients room a few moments after we arrived, Thankfully however he had asked John to watch over me.

. . . I'm starting to question if that was a good idea or a bad one. . .

John was currently trying to help two people at once while still keeping his eyes on me, It was sad to watch honestly.

The two people he was helping got annoyed with him and both of them stormed off.

Poor guy had his head in his hands, Looking defeated.

I sighed and got up, Moving over to lightly knock on the glass between him and the waiting room.

He jumped slightly, His eyes frantically looking around before landing on me.

''O-oh! Roux! Sorry, What can I help you with?'' He asked frantically, His eyes still looking startled.

''Um, I was gonna ask, Do you need any help?'' I asked quietly, Second guessing my choice to talk to him already.

This is his job, I'm sure he can handle it, . . . I hope I didn't insult him with that questio-

 ''Yeah, That'd be awesome'' He said greatfully, Giving me a tired smile.

--- Time skip ---

I glanced up at the clock, It had been roughly a hour since Paris had dropped me off at the waiting room.

John and I had caught up with his paper work in that amount of time, Thankfully he no longer seemed as stressed.

''Seriously, I can't thank you enough'' John said for the umpteenth time.

I smiled tiredly, Happy to have at least gotten my mind off of the place I was in for the briefest of times.

Before I could answer the door to the waiting room opened rather roughly.

I was quite amazed it didn't slam into the wall.

Much to my surprise a familiar black haired, Brown eyed man stormed in.

He looked so annoyed, His hair was messed up slightly and his shirt sleeves were rolled up.

I noticed he had some bandages on his arms, They looked like they were just put on.

''John. Give Anna something to mellow her down. She's biting people again.'' Ambrose grumbled, Setting a clip board down on the small ledge between John's office and the waiting room.

''Oh gosh, Did-Did she bite you?'' John asked worriedly, Quickly grabbing a file from a filing cabinet.

''No of course not, I was just playing with a very angry ape.'' He snarked before snapping at john, ''Of fucking course she did.''

John grimaced before slowly nodding, Moving to type something into the computer.

''Who's my next appointment?'' Ambrose grumbled, Moving to lean on the small ledge.

His eyes scanned the room we were in as Leo typed away at the computer.

As soon as his eyes landed on me they widened in surprise before narrowing, He grumbled something under his breath before turning back to John. 

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